Notice from the Landlord.


On first inspection, you may be thinking “Gee this site looks crap”. And you’d be right too- it does look a bit like it was put up in a hurry.

That is because it WAS put up in a hurry- Ken was making ominous noises about quitting the blogging game and we can’t afford to lose him. Geoff Honnor had just played himself in nicely as well and there’s been valuable contributions from Wayne and Patrick as well.

As you might note the blogroll isn’t complete- patience, my cherubs, patience. Ken’s gathered rather a lot of links in his time and it’s a big job to get them all in one hit. I will finish off the legal and media links tonight.

Please send any coding tips to me – I’d like there to be a space between the .gif and the title on the banner. Ken’s expressed a desire for a break from the hassles of coding, so I’ll be tweaking the code.

As for the awful hit counter, yes I know it is shocking, but it should be gone by the weekend.

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2025 years ago

To put a space between the image and the text, simply put a space between the <img> and <a> tag.

If that’s not big enough, put a few non-breaking spaces between them — the code for that is “&nbsp;”.

2025 years ago

I’ve been debloggrolled! No more snark of the week prizes for this lot!

Scott Wickstein
Scott Wickstein
2025 years ago

Alan- you weren’t on the ‘blogspot’ blogroll- so I wasn’t able to transfer you over. Anyone that was on the blogroll but isn’t now should email me.

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

Actually Alan was on the blogroll. The one Scott salvaged from an earlier manifestation of TA was quite old, and I’d added numerous people to it in recent months. I’ll try to go through it on the weekend and insert any omissions. My general policy is an inclusive one (except for a couple of appalling fascists whose very existence I refuse to acknowledge). Thus if you’re an Australian blogger (ex-pat or otherwise) with some political or legal content on your blog, then your omission from the TA blogroll is almost certainly an oversight. Email me and I’ll fix it.