This wicked little Daily Telegraph Op Ed, by Tom Uttley, asserts that all Australian men are homosexuals and that Prince William should be appointed our next GG to “cheer up the Sheilas” and to put our nation “on the map.” The opportunities for offence to be taken here, are uniquely universal but – I’ll bet that Alan Jones, at least, doesn’t raise it on his next talkback sesh
You conveniently failed to mention that the author carefully confined his slur to Sydney, which he christened the gay capital of the southern hemisphere. It’s certainly not my own recollection of my old home town, but you have to wonder when a gorgeous, talented and extraordinarily intelligent woman like Gianna remains on the loose (if not exactly desperate and dateless).
I suspect it actually has more to do with age. Unattached blokes in their thirties and forties tend to be either gay; traumatised by divorce and afraid of commitment; repulsive drunken ocker yobbos; or introverted confirmed bachelors who’ve permanently retired from the meat market. The categories are not mutually exclusive. That’s what Suzy Kruhse tells me anyway, and she’s certainly in a position to know.
Believe me Ken, you’re speaking to the converted.
Ye Gods! Suddenly I learn I’m a member of even one more minority group.
Heh Ken, you’ve summed me up! and afraid of commitment; repulsive drunken ocker yobbos; or introverted confirmed bachelors who’ve permanently retired from the meat market.
Think that might be me in a nutshell.
doesn’t seem to be working
I did say “tends”, and there are always exceptions that prove the rule. Such as yourself. A slightly shop-worn Sean Penn lookalike with huge talents and a heart as big as all outdoors. This sincere assessment is entirely unrelated to the fact that you’re my cyberlandlord.
Seriously, though I’ve never met you so I can’t be sure, your blogging suggests you’re category 4. In fact you virtually said so yourself on Gianna’s blog a couple of days ago.
I think we should dispel this myth that Sydney is full of poofs. Gay Central is the Surry Hills, Darlinghurst, Potts Point area in the inner east while Gay Sub-Central covers Newtown, Camperdown, Erskineville and Marrickville in the inner west. Outside this zone, good-looking, intelligent, well-built and well-hung men are probably just visiting……
Now we know why Newtown disappeared, Souths is floundering, and Eastern Suburbs had to change its name.
Ah, Souths! Where the great Ian Roberts began his League career…
No Prizes for guessing what group I fit into. Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel that the author’s friend fell victim to the good old aussie bullshit detector. Specifically, they saw her for what she was: A stuck up, gold digging pom, and stayed away accordingly.
She doesn’t sound very inviting does she?