Emma Tom is in Darwin. Who else could visit Crocodylus Park and then write a column about croc penises (and croc sex in general)?
Emma Tom is in Darwin. Who else could visit Crocodylus Park and then write a column about croc penises (and croc sex in general)?
Somebody push her in!
There was some filler news item during the week about a uni study into croc dental hygiene. Apparently there’s more mortality from post-bite
infection than the bite itself. The study was aimed at checking out the nature of the greebies in crocs’ teeth in order to establish best-practice response. It occurred to me that the last thing that I’d be concerning myself about during a croc attack was whether it flossed or not…
There’s practically nothing about croc penises here Ken. You own me.
At least she’s not writing essays on her tampons anymore
Did I say ‘own’. Goodness gracious, actually, I meant ‘owe’, naturally, as a matter of fact. Thanks for asking. What did I do with my stockings? who took those WMDs? where’s my mirror? Mummy …
Glad you cleared that up, Dolly. I’d begun thinking he was running a bordello.