From the Weekly Standard : PJ O’Rourke trashes the Rodham-Clinton memoir in the funniest book review I’ve read this year. He’s way good! I’d offer some excerpts but I’m crying too much to do it. Go there – and enjoy.
From the Weekly Standard : PJ O’Rourke trashes the Rodham-Clinton memoir in the funniest book review I’ve read this year. He’s way good! I’d offer some excerpts but I’m crying too much to do it. Go there – and enjoy.
Read some of it, sounded like the usual fact-free right wing rant about the Clintons supposed pathological lying.
Well open your mind Stewart – and try again.
I think it’s refreshingly free of a purely political animus.
you’re being a humourless ideologue like some of these right wingers.
firstly it’s not a thesis and O Rourke is a satirist, not a scholar.
secondly I am a great admirer of the Clinton Administration but let’s face it, PJ is funny and Hilary truly is the most banal writer on earth
PJ O’Rourke got me interested in politics. He’s hilarious, even if you disagree with his views (although Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence and a Bad Haircut includes some fantastically funny left-wing humour from his hippie days).
I actually read the piece as a devastatingly funny swipe at the whole, self-important and utterly self-serving “Celeb Memoir” industry. O’Rourke rightly punctures the pretentious balloon of someone who’s sold herself as being above all that………
If you want to read O’Rourke for narrow, political ideology positioning purposes, you’re pretty much wasting your time.
I’ve always been interested in Hillary’s hair, and I’ll pay O’Rourke as a talented satirist … variously described as ‘Hunter S Thompson’s heir apparent’, ‘Hunter S Thompson’s sick love-child’, and ‘Hunter S Thompson lite’.
“The higher the hair, the closer to heaven.”
Kennedy, Thatcher, Hawkie … Hillary. There’s more to my hair theory of politics … must post on it one day …
Ok, on second reading the piece isn’t that bad. But it’s still an excercise in Clinton bashing. And given nothing, in the entire history of absolute everything, has been more over done than Clinton bashing then I reserve the right to have zero sense of humour regarding it.