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2025 years ago

Maybe not his fault this time. I mean, the CIA’s poisoned water supplies in the past (remember that time where they filled an English dam with LSD so that everyone would think the Earth was being destroyed by yellow alien spacecraft?)!

2025 years ago

and you know what – Harry hasn’t been to the toilet either, not once in five years!


2025 years ago


I didn’t do that!
What does it mean?

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

Mark – It worked as I recall.

Ken – Harry is an English lad. He bathes once a week.

wen – hsaH is what you end up typing when you’ve been spending too long trying to balance angels on pinheads.

2025 years ago

Ah ha – think I’ll object to that comment Geoff (on Ken’s behalf)

Now, what evidence do you have for your nasty allegation regarding English bathing habits – why would the English be any dirtier than any one else in the world ??? If you look at the Brits in the context of ….
aargh, I can’t go on – pin-induced vertigo!

(actually, judging by my own seriously soap & water averse son, I think maybe the fact that Harry manages to get away without frequent bathing is part of the attraction. )

2025 years ago

oh dear – meant Harry not Ken – very confused.
I’m sure you bathe, Ken. Sorry.

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

I know it’s a vile, stereotypical slur on the British people wen – many showered regularly when I lived amongst them (though not all, to which the Tube in August provided pungent testimony). Still, it provided the perfect opportunity for a cheap shot.

British Royal naval vessels used to have signs in the ratings messdecks which read “all ratings are to shower at least once a week.” It caused no end of cruel mirth amongst Aussie sailors.

Gummo Trotsky
2025 years ago

Everyone knows that taking showers just gets the coal wet, which only makes it difficult to light a decent fire.