The third world entrepreneurial boom

Geoff Honnor blogged on this not so long ago, but it’s worth recording the gratifying news that Nigerian email scams are spawning rapidly, making the repetitive task of inbox deletion at least a bit more varied and entertaining. I received one from the Philippines the other day. And I’ve just got one from Angola. It reads as follows:

Dear Sir, I know you will be surprised to read from me, but please consider this letter as a request from a family in dire need of assistance. First Iet me introduce myself, I am zayed Yusufu from Angola, i am the first and the only son of late Brigadier Ibrahim Yusufu, I am presently residing in Dubai U.A.E. I got your contact from Dubai chember of commerce and induestries here in UAE and on behalf of my widowed mother, Mrs Philomin Yusufu decided to solicit for your assistance to transfer the sum of ,1 Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars inherited from my late father into your personal or company account. Before my father’s death, he was a Brigadier in charge of arms and ammunition purchases for the Angolan Armed Forces. In his “WEALL”, he specifically drew my attention to this sum of US$7.5Million, which he deposited in a safe box of private security company in Dubai U.A.E ,in fact my father

That’s the whole email. Clearly the Angolans haven’t quite mastered the technology as yet, but this effort shows promise. I was almost tempted to send them my bank account details as a sympathy vote.

  1. US$7.5Million[]
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Gummo Trotsky
2025 years ago

I just got my copy, Ken. The text isn’t paragraphed, but it’s all there. On the whole, I’d say Zayed Yusufu is handling the learning curve pretty well.

2025 years ago

Angola is pass

Homer Paxton
Homer Paxton
2025 years ago

Zayed Yusufu e-mailed me too.
Poor blighter.
I feel such a heartless man for not responding.

2025 years ago

I received one this morning from Liberian President Charles Taylor’s nephew!