Yesterday’s post Australia’s worst government? generated one of the longest, most entertaining and occasionally incisive comment threads I can remember on Troppo Armadillo. Comment no. 54 by lapsed cultural blogger Stephen Hill is one of my favourites. Stephen manages to sustain a cricketing metaphor through a quite long and very funny comment on the Howard era and associated phenomena. Go read.
Update – While I’m plugging assorted commenters and bloggers, Gummo Trostky Trotsky (corrected after smart-arse comment) has a superb rambling post about Ayn Rand, Michael Moore, Chomsky, Pilger and numerous other loosely related topics. He also demonstrates convincingly that the righties who reckon lefties are humourless are full of … excreta.
It can’t be good unless it is on an interesting topic and the site captures the intelligent bloggers ( and others).
So give your self a pat on the back.
upon reflection it seems you were a touch naive about standards.
Hawke couldn’t possibly improve parliament given his personal life. Keating hated too much to improve parliament and Howard probably is a bigger hater than Keating and has one of the worst frontbenches.
I am surprised therefore you expected standards to rise or even level out.
Who’s this “Trostky” bloke who’s been crowding in on my turf then?
Damn! No “typical bloody”. Must be slipping.