I’ve just discovered through following blogroll links on Tubagooba that its author Dan is part of what may well be Australia’s first (almost) complete blogging family. As well as Dan (whose surname appears to be Gordon), Dan’s brother Angus also publishes a blog (a shiny new TypePad one) called I Feel Love. What’s more, their dad Philip has also just started a blog called, appropriately enough, Philip’s Life.
Interestingly, Mrs Gordon doesn’t seem to have been tempted into blogging as yet. I can’t help suspecting that she probably shares the opinion of my wife Jenny, who says she has better things to do with her life and reckons Rebecca and I spend far too many hours on the Internet for our own good. She might be right.
Mrs Gordon died two years ago so unfortunately she’s unlikely to be starting a blog. (We do have a sister though!)
Insensitive me. Sorry. When is your sister starting a blog? There’s still a significant gender imbalance you know!
Well, I think we’re beaten by Suzette and her family – husband(?), wife(?) and the two kids (notwithstanding the fact that the two youngest seem to employ ghost writers … )
Looks that way, Dan. Btw, very politically correctly written! (we are married)