There are few things I find more deliciously enjoyable than a story in which every single character is thoroughly detestable with no redeeming personal qualities whatsoever.
There are few things I find more deliciously enjoyable than a story in which every single character is thoroughly detestable with no redeeming personal qualities whatsoever.
Mr Baker said he believed the relationship started in June and he only found out about it, after they had separated, through Mr Pershouse’s former wife Brenda Rudkin.
Well he really got his four thousand dollars worth, didn’t he?
I hope this story isn’t typical of the success rate for marriage guidance counselling.
“He said during the three months of counselling sessions from Mr Pershouse’s home office he had changed his work habits and relations with his wife appeared to be better”
Pershouse should whack that on his pyschotherapy promotional brochure, under ‘client testimonials!’