Introducing Troppo Bloggers

This post is just an exercise in housekeeping, intended to provide short biographical details (and in some cases photos) of the Troppo Armadillo blogging semi-co-operative. The biographies are mercifully short, although they may still tell you more than you really want to know about us. You might be better to maintain some residual illusions by not clicking through to the rest of the story.

I intend creating sidebar hyperlinks to each of the bio sketches.

PS – Geoff Honnor is yet to provide a photo, claiming that the only ones he has show him in outrageous outfits at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. I told him that sounded fine to me, but I don’t think he’s convinced. Stephen’s photo is also still in transit.

PPS – Geoff has now cunningly responded to my Botox gibe by providing a photo so out-of-focus as to make him unrecognisable in a crowd (well, a Mardi Gras crowd anyway). I can see I’ll have to come to Sydney in November equipped with a digital camera.









Stephen Hill

Stephen Hill is an Honours student at Macquarie University in his mid-to-late twenties. Previously he has worked as a journalist at several web-sites until their inevitable demise. After some futile job-hunting and encountering companies’ propensity for not paying wages Stephen decided to embark on postgraduate studies. Stephen’s major achievements are hopefully all in front of him when those bastards in Stockholm finally recognise his literary genius

Stephen has a B. Arts (Communications) and a B. Commerce. He has worked in a strange assortment of jobs on his quixotic quest to collect more letters after his name than Barry Jones.

Stephen would be a proactive employee who thinks outside the square and would be a strategic fit with core competencies contributing to the bottom line of any media organisation. His vast knowledge base with its clientele focus, would allow for him to fast-track the building of synergies in any newsroom. His ability to think-outside-the-square and to accommodate paradigm shifts is unprecedented since that German guy with the fuzzy hair (tragically played by Yahoo Serious) came up with the theory of relativity.

Fortunately, the previous paragraph shares little resemblance with Stephen’s resume except references to ‘dynamic workplaces’ and a couple of other inane platitudes.









Geoff Honnor

geoffhonnor Geoff lives in Undercliffe, in Sydney’s inner west. His career highlights include eleven years as a Naval Officer, followed by 6 years in human resources management with Shell International in locations from Brunei to Aberdeen. Latterly he’s been involved in health management and policy development and currently works as a freelance writer and consultant in that general area. He has a partner named Lance, a cat named Missy,  a moderately optimistic outlook on life and is not currently on any anti-depressant medication.









Ken Parish

Ken is a law lecturer at Northern Territory University Charles Darwin University in Darwin, and a former Labor member of the NT Legislative Assembly (1991-94), holding numerous economic development shadow portfolios. He began to suspect that he’d chosen the wrong profession when CLP government Ministers took to labelling him an extreme economic rationalist (which was true, at least by comparison with their peculiar brand of corrupt agrarian socialism). This suspicion cystallised into certainty when, in a blinding flash of self-awareness, he realised that he was an anti-social introvert and quite uncomfortable in large crowds or meeting new people. For anyone wondering why he didn’t work this out much earlier, it’s a good question.

Leaving aside his stint in politics, Ken ran a private Darwin law firm for most of the last 20 years until 2000, when he decided on a mid-life career change and became a legal academic so he could study dysfunctional bureaucracy at close quarters. He currently has no party political affiliations and treats both major parties with deep suspicion born of intimate experience. The minor parties are best not mentioned at all. Ken’s academic areas of interest lie in administrative, constitutional, immigration and cyberspace law.

He has a long-standing interest in the citizenship and educational potential of the Internet, and is currently responsible for developing and co-ordinating Charles Darwin University Law School’s new external law degree program, which is the first in Australia and one of the first in the world to be delivered wholly online.  As well as being webmaster of Troppo Armadillo, Ken also maintains the Law School website and the related Australian Public Law site.

Ken is fairly recently separated after almost 20 years of marriage and has a teenage compulsive consumerist daughter Rebecca aged 15 16 going on 27 and an even more undisciplined poodle named Munchie.









Christopher Sheil

christophersheil.jpgChris is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of History at the University of New South Wales. Awarded a PhD in history by the University of Wollongong in 1989, he has served as a senior policy official under many Labor and Coalition governments, serving on numerous cabinet and national policy committees, including the 1990-91 Special Premiers’ Conferences.

A columnist for the Australian Financial Review, he also holds adjunct appointments with the University of Sydney and Boston University, and is the author, contributing author or editor of over 130 publications, including: Globalisation: Australian Impacts (ed) (UNSW Press, 2001), Water’s Fall: Running the Risks with Economic Rationalism (Pluto Press, 2000), War on the Wharves: A Cartoon History (Pluto Press, 1998), and Turning Point: The State of Australia (ed) (Allen & Unwin, 1997).

In his spare time, Chris edits and maintains (pro bono) the Evatt Foundation website, which is why he reckons he has no spare time.”









Wayne Wood

waynewood.JPGWayne moved to Darwin from Adelaide in 1981 and had a career in financial management until 1994.  For some years he conducted a regular weekly session on finance and investment on Darwin ABC radio. Wayne has travelled a lot, to Europe and North Africa for 3 years in the ’70’s then Eastern Europe for five months in 2001; been to Indonesia and Indochina many times, to North America twice and South Africa once. He’s off to South America at the end of this year.

Wayne worked on contract for the Federal and Territory Governments from 1995 until 2000 and then ceased took early retirement and ceased full time work.  He plays (slowly) veterans rugby, manages his investment portfolio and teaches children to swim. He’s been married to Rosemary for 35 years and has a married son living in Queensland.

Wayne is currently engaged in an experiment in the Internet serial publication of a novel he’s recently written called Southern Pearl, using a weblog format.










Jen (jen.mccullochATozemailDOTcomDOTau) is Darwin-based, in her early forties with a 9 year old daughter. She’s a dance and drama teacher at a Catholic high school, and aspires to age graciously without selling out to the complacent middle class. So far she’s succeeding brilliantly in this endeavour, not least because of her compulsively mischievous, vaguely “hippie chick” demeanour. Jen and fellow Troppo blogger Ken Parish enjoy a loving but frequently volatile “loosely partnered” relationship that might end up more tightly partnered one day soon if they don’t piss each other off too often.

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2025 years ago

It’s all pretty blokey isn’t it. Maybe we should keep a vacancy for at least one woman to join the team.

James Russell
2025 years ago

Good lord, Wayne looks a lot older than I expected. Excellent beard, though.

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

Yes, far too blokey, Chris. I suggested Kylie Minogue to Geoff earlier today, but there may be more likely candidates (and I’m not sure she can write, but then she probably doesn’t need to).

2025 years ago

good lord, they all look a lot older than i expected.

2025 years ago

also, no offence intended.

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

Adam, when you’re accelerating down the slippery slope to oblivion, being slagged by some smart-arse young punk is the least of your worries.

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

Come to think of it, maybe Adam’s reaction explains Geoff’s delay in sending a photo. He’s waiting until the Botox and silicone injections take effect, and the Grecian 2000 fades and looks a bit more natural.

2025 years ago

hey, i ain’t young.

Michael Jennings
2025 years ago

Ah yes. Being labelled an extreme economic rationalist is so much fun.

2025 years ago

Yes, some girls would be good. But not Kylie, & not Elle either (who evidently only reads what she writes – tho’ that’s probably a terrible journalistic distortion that the poor woman’s had to bear all these years). You need to balance all that system building with some empathy (less train-sets, more tea-parties?)

2025 years ago

Did I really put Elle & poor in the same sentence. Loco. More train sets for me.

Homer Paxton
Homer Paxton
2025 years ago

it is interesting to contemplate why the ALP has contributed more politicians to the ‘economic rationalism’ cause than the coalition.

Is it because they were in opposition and then ‘found’ black holes which meant strict budgetary policies?

A fine blogsite with interesting and entertaining
writers. Take a bow!

2025 years ago

Once again Ken pumps essential snippets of data into the digital world.

I look forward to using this antipodean biographical link when the alphabetical order happens to expose the virtual ink behind those Troppoarmadillos…(smile)


· After Grog Blogger [Antipodean Bloggers #1 Aug 2003]
· Alan Anderson [Antipodean Bloggers #2 Aug 2003]
· Australian Libertarian Society (ALS) [Antipodean Bloggers #3 August 2003]

2025 years ago

90 second attempted enhancement job on that photo of Geoff available here … LINK … which almost makes it easier to see what he looks like. If you squint. Hard.

I may be bored enough tomorrow (after god bless non-teaching weeks) to remove all the crap from the photo so we can see what he looks like properly.

2025 years ago

nice looking chaps…on Geoff, LOL.

Ken actually looks exactly how I imagined him but Woodsy looks quite different (not older, just a lot hairier). Where’s Stephen?

2025 years ago

And so I just go through to the keeper huh Gianna?

2025 years ago

All Roads Lead To Rome.

Take the last 4000 years and not much has changed. The Romans have fought the might of the Persian empire and this theatre of war is still being played out today.

Silvo Belesconi said a few weeks after September 11 that Western Civilisation was superior.

The Romans have forced Religion and the Balance Sheet on the Persians,Asians,Africans, Polynesians, Melinesians, the Indians,the Aztecs,the Aborigines and every other “threatening ” culture.

The creation of the state of Israel was determined after the Romans almost annihilated our Jewish brothers and sisters. They said to our Arab brothers and sisters, we now draw a line in the sand and cross it at your own peril.

Osama Bin Laden says that the removal of American and Israeli forces on the Arab Peninsula is not negotiable.

So maybe war against our Persian brothers and sisters is simply in our DNA?

Like the church can not have it both ways. They cannot be outspoken about abortion then allow our Roman (western brothers and sisters) to march or sail off to war. As the right for life should be preserved at all times.

Lawrece Of Arabia created states or drew a line in the sand and says your family can have this and this family and or tribe get that.

The top end of town go up to the top end says that we will mine Jabaluka and this tribe will share its benefit.And again Western Civiisation or The Romans determine its royality.

The Arab culture has been had by the west we not only give them Texico,BP,SHELL,Micrsoft,KFC,CNN ect but we have only rewarded a small percentage of these people and relied on the fate of a few to control the fate of the others. But this is being played out in Jabiluka as it is being played out on Bougainville.

Western Civilisation or the Roman Empire has a habit though of fighting amongst it self because of the Balance Sheet. It wants more and more.

US forces made sure that all the Oil installations were secured but did nothing for this regions cultural treasures. We give them dollars for there treasures so that we can take them and relocate them.

2025 years ago

they seek him here,
they seek him there
curious bloggers seek him everywhere

Does he exist?
Or just not photograph well?
That demmed elusive Stephen Hill!

Pip Wilson
2025 years ago


I’d be grateful if you would add my blog Wilson’s Blogmanac for your list of Australian blogs. I’ve added you to my blogroll. Ta.

Pip Wilson
Coffs Harbour

2025 years ago

Why thankyou for posting a picture of me in context – that’s my girl!

Sufi Sultan Mahmood
Sufi Sultan Mahmood
2025 years ago

Please send us complete address alongwith email address of Mr. James Russell, specialist on Al-qaeda, as we are interested to invite him in a International Seminar on Terrorism. Thanks.

2025 years ago

Chrissy and Wesley sittin’ in a tree

Me old mate, Shielsy, the new commissar of TroppoArmadillo, has a new post concerning the ailing campaign of his latest crush: Wesley Clark’s campaign manager has quit…OK, these things happen in both the best and worst run campaigns, and while…

2025 years ago

What’s going on out there?

Scott Wickstein’s gone on hiatus Tim Blair has all but disappeared (probably kidnapped by the CIA). Evil is out of town. Gaz and Kev seem to have about as much to say as a two Carmelite Nuns. Shielsy has left…

2025 years ago

Righty proved wrong (Chris Fryer 1, James Ozark 0)

Update: Ken Parish has kindly pointed out that I was wrong about the US Supreme Court ruling in 1944. It appears there were two rulings in December about the detainment of citizens of Japanese ancestry. Korematsu v. United States. In…