Uncategorized The Boys are back in town Wayne Wood August 28, 2003 In the late 1800s, economist and avid gardener Vilfredo Pareto established that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population....
Uncategorized Selstra junk-mail foiled – sort of Stephen Hill August 28, 2003 Matt Price always a master at reporting the shenanigans at Parliament House has a short article in the Sunday Telegraph, which I stumbled upon by...
Uncategorized Shut the bloody gate! Geoff Honnor August 28, 2003 Fount of blogospherical wisdom, Bargarz, points to the lamentable tendency for Simon Crean to emerge like some cheapjack, showbag Jack-in-the-box - roughly every fortnight -...
Politics - national Tipping Point? Ken Parish August 28, 2003 The comment thread to my previous post Can Pauline Sue Tony Abbott? has thrown up some fascinating discussion. It also seems to have reached a...