On the Difference between Paul Keating and Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, Editor of The Spectator and Tory MP for Henley-on-Thames, offers a few thought-provoking musings on the great gulf between the discourse of the journalistic-politico class and those he terms the “civilians.” Using the Kelly case as his example, he goes to the heart of what many bloggers have been discussing recently in respect of the great matrix wherein truth, clarity, spin and expectation intermingle – with frequently depressing results.

It’s worth a read – if only to spot the difference between considered reflection and a quick bucketing with unadulterated bile – as my esteemed co-blogger so memorably put it.

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2025 years ago

Does this, “[some bloggers are] so habituated to spin, exaggeration, half-truth, suppressio veri and suggestio falsi that they are genuinely unable to tell when they are guilty of these practices themselves.”
apply to anyone we know ?

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

Let me think……

Dave Ricardo
Dave Ricardo
2025 years ago


I read the Boris Johnson piece before you blogged on it and I thought it was uncharacteristically thoughtful, much different to what he usually writes. Boris Johnson is basically a smart arse tiresome young fogey —

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

Dave, any connection between PJK and Bankstown these days is purely hagiographical…

2025 years ago

Thank you for the link to that article. As the trendies say, it resonated with me.
May I add a thought? Is there a similar fracture between adminocrats (bureaucrats and administrators) one one hand, and populace on t’other?