Uncategorized The Mystery of Capital Wayne Wood September 11, 2003 Now that the debate about what white Australia can do to improve the living conditions of Aboriginals is back on track I thought I'd add...
Uncategorized On The Falseness Of Anti-Americanism Geoff Honnor September 11, 2003 Fouad Ajami makes the case with the sort of elegant eloquence to which this armadillo can only ever aspire - unsuccessfully. In Foreign Policy magazine...
Humour Another bloody lawyer joke Ken Parish September 11, 2003 I might as well spread this one before some other smartarse does. How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb? (more…)
Environment More damn lies and statistics Ken Parish September 11, 2003 One of the difficult things for us non-expert lay observers of the ongoing global warming debate is that the zealots on both sides seem to...