Scott Wickstein, ever-perceptive, concludes that Sydney and Australia are different places. The incontrovertible evidence that Scott produces to support his proposition is the extraordinary brawl that broke out yesterday between former Kings School alumnus, now professional Real Bloke, John Singleton, in one corner and full time bookworm and non-driving Premier, Bob Carr, in the other. Subtexts include Talk Back Septuagenarian John Laws calling his talkback colleague Steve Price on-air to give him some feedback – “piss-weak” was but part of the constructive critique that Laws generously offered – and Singo shocking ABC Radio with a caught unawares off-air exchange when he was actually on-air. As ABC weatherman Mike Bailey thoughtfully mused to shocked ABC host, Richard Glover, later, ” this isn’t the sort of language you expect to hear on the ABC.”
The background to all of this – though it’s scarcely relevant anymore – is the state government’s decision to up the tax take on pokie revenue from licensed clubs.
The clubs have embarked on a not unexpected “we’ll all be rooned” strategy and have pointed to the fact that if it weren’t for their selfless largesse, social services, as we know them, would cease to exist. To make the point, every club in NSW is now adorned with doctored Faginesque posters of Treasurer Michael Egan bearing down menacingly on vulnerable old age pensioners. The old age pensioners appeared to be more interested in playing the pokies than in checking out the posters last time I looked but no matter. Singo the adman has staggered forth to make them take notice.
His strategy is uncomplicated. Carr and Egan must be poofs. They read, they don’t bet, they don’t like meat pies, they don’t have kids – Egan isn’t even married for God’s sake – and they certainly don’t like footy. He phoned Carr to tell him he’d pass this on to the punters bigtime unless Carr dumped the tax. Cut to all hell then breaking loose. Bob Carr, a US Civil War buff, knows a siege strategy when he sees one.
This morning Mike Carlton was bashing away at Singo on 2UE while Alan Jones was venerating him on Singo’s station 2GB. Mark Latham popped up to say that Singo was his kind of bloke while Carr was but “competent” – talk about your major poof! Threats were being fired around like money at a Greek wedding and the Premier was off to Paris on a trade mission. No-one has seen the state opposition but then, they’re scarcely needed with this line-up.
It struck me that attempting to fit Carr and Egan up as big girls blouses looked distinctly at odds with the fact that the Newcastle Knights recently chose to mark the end of their League season by dressing up in big girls blouses, putting on makeup, wearing dresses and inviting the Daily Telegraph to take photos. I assume they must like pies or something.
I am still trying to work out how Carr could ‘threaten’ Singo with the ABA or ICAC.
Still the thought of milking people who play poker machines to subsidise other activities is quite extraordinary.
*last time I looked*
Go to clubs a lot, do you Geoff?
By the way, as a matter of historical record, it was John “The Baptist” Hewson who began the Carr as Poof line of political attack, when pointing out that not only does Carr not have children (if that’s not evidence of rampant homosexuality, what is?), he … doesn’t even know how to drive! (Conclusive evidence of homosexuality.)
I popped into the Marrickville RSL only the other day Dave. I needed to use the ATM.
I can understand the obvious linkage between being a poof and not having a Driver’s licence. But what’s going on with footy players dressing up as women as an “end of season relax?”
It’s a funny old place, Sydney….
I haven’t tuned in for a while, but the Fatty Sterlo Footy Show used to have a lot of cross dressing … There’s something about Rugby League players and women’s clothes …
too right, Dave… Geoff obviously doesn’t tune into the Footy Show enuf
last week’s featured a classic from Trent the Flight Steward a.k.a. Matty Johns… his vox pops with the Penrith players began “so why are you called the chocolate soldiers?” and only went up from there
What’s this about Carr and Egan not liking pies? That’s a very serious allegation…