Uncategorized The Cow Path Wayne Wood September 24, 2003 I've been catching up on surfing my favourite blogs (it seems many blogspots were down yesterday) and I came across a 'pome' on Gummo's blog....
Uncategorized In Yet More News, Ken Parish confides: “I’m 50!” Geoff Honnor September 24, 2003 Big Armadillo and expert in legal hairdressing jurisprudence, Ken Parish, has announced his 50th birthday. Ken confided "long lunch plans" as celebration. I would not...
Uncategorized In Other News, Gareth Parker is No Longer A Child Prodigy. Geoff Honnor September 24, 2003 Perth uberblogger, Gareth Parker, turns 21 today. Run on over and cheer him up with predictions as to how long it'll be before he goes...
Uncategorized A Land Girt By (Ecsta)Sea! Geoff Honnor September 24, 2003 Those who lament the UN as a bastion of lefty luvvies should take heart from today's release of the latest report from the UN Office...