Big Armadillo and expert in legal hairdressing jurisprudence, Ken Parish, has announced his 50th birthday. Ken confided “long lunch plans” as celebration. I would not anticipate a learned exposition on Callinan J’s judgment re Hanson, anytime soon.
Big Armadillo and expert in legal hairdressing jurisprudence, Ken Parish, has announced his 50th birthday. Ken confided “long lunch plans” as celebration. I would not anticipate a learned exposition on Callinan J’s judgment re Hanson, anytime soon.
50 well done m’lud , you have just beat me by a few years.
does the N/T add or decrease to one’s years.
thanks for this blogsite and all of it’s authors.
life just wouldn’t be the same without it.
Will Iron mark send his birthday wishes?
Kenneth it’s your birthday… happy birthday Kenneth…
This is kinda freaky, all those blogospherical birthdays.
Happy Birthday!
My young lads and all their friends are having their birthdays, too. September is consequently a month both intensive and expensive – leaving neither the time to analyse the football finals properly nor the money to bankroll a passable Spring Carnival.
I wonder if we may draw the conclusion that we’re so busy and distracted these days that only the Christmas break affords the fertile sufficient time and alcohol to indulge in the irrational inefficiencies that bring about the producers and consumers of tomorrow?
Ah, the joys of Christmases past.
Happy birthday Ken.
Best wishes Ken. I sure hope it looks good from where you are, cos it won’t be too many years ’till I find out for myself, alas.
Happy birthday Ken! We’ve got about 3 birthdays just in our office in the next week as well. Ah well, that’ means plenty of long lunches where I’m sitting as well!!
All the best,
Many Happy Returns, Ken.
Enjoy the last bit of track laying ceremony tomorrow if you can get there. That will be two big days for Darwin!
Happy Birthday, Ken. Long may you blog.
And the best of birthday wishes to you, begorrah, Ken. I assume the actual birthday is today, 24 September, in which case you share a birthday with my younger son, Andrew. He’s also having a significant year, having reached half of the allotted span of three score years and ten.
Ken 1/2 century young?
Perish the thought!
Enjoy the luncheons…
Best wishes
Happy birthday, old fella!
Happy Birthday Ken; I hope someone took photos of the big lunch!
hope you had a good one Ken.
Candles and teachers and things
THE left-hand sidebar is no longer accurate; I’m 21 today. Huzzah! I’ll fix it up soon, probably at the same time the blogroll gets fixed to reflect the dozens of bloggers with new homes. In other news, vicious rumours that Teacher Tony flies in to Per…