Plan B

Soaking rain last night. Good for garden, bad for cycling. Steep downhill pinch to Lee Point, loose damp gravel and wet leaves. Front brakes grab, sail spectacularly over handlebars then graceful forward roll on impact. Armadillo unhurt, bike completely cactus. Carry bike back 5 km through rainforest to Royal Darwin Hospital. Persuade security man to let me use his phone to ring Jenny. Bugger! At lawn sale. Ring taxi instead. Wait out the front with hordes of indigenous patients all chainsmoking, mostly with IV drips beside them on trolleys.

Plan B. Monster Harvey Norman into giving refund for digital camera that won’t talk to PC. Use money to buy decent mountain bike.

Update – Jenny buys ornate outdoor setting with 6 chairs at lawn sale, along with wheelbarrow. Ominous. Setting needs stripping back and repainting. Creative excuses being devised for watching rugby instead of stripping and painting outdoor setting.

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2025 years ago

C’mon Ken. This is the age of emancipation. Give her a brush, tin of chemical stripper and one of tongue oil and tell her to read the directions. I find that approach works fine for me, even if it does place me in the bad books for an hour or so. It’s a peaceful hour…..or so.

Ron Mead
Ron Mead
2025 years ago

Niall, that’s a good approach. Gives you a quiet hour to catch up with your ironing, vacuuming, cooking and clothes washing. Oh, you are! Well just go on with the shower cleaning, dog washing, sweeping the front verandah, pruning the roses, making the beds, cleaning the oven, tidying up the kitchen cupboards and doing the week’s supermarket shopping.

2025 years ago

I don’t do the washing, I do iron my own clothes but doesn’t everyone? You don’t? Ewww! I do vacuum and cook occasionally, but of course, we both work, so that’s fair. The dogs go to a hydrobath, I have a Karcher for the patio. I don’t do ovens, kitchens or beds and shopping is womens work. Oh, and roses are for old farts. You have roses, eh?

Ron Mead
Ron Mead
2025 years ago

Assumptions again, Niall. Tsk! Tsk! Actually I am an old fart, but my wife owns the roses and I do do the shopping.

2025 years ago

I don’t do ovens, kitchens or beds and shopping is womens work.

Obviously I need a woman….

2025 years ago

Didn’t you try that USB memory card reader I suggested? I got one a while back. You simply remove the memory card and insert it into the reader. The PC will recognise it and you simply cut and paste to your hard drive. The one I used is a sandisk ( You would likely need one of the “ImageMate USB 2.0 Reader/Writer” or “ImageMate 6 in 1 Reader/Writer”.

Or you could just get the mountain bike…

2025 years ago

I would never have guessed that Ron Mead was an arty type from California. But he sorta looks how I kinda imagined him.