Rather than getting carried away and actually doing some substantive posting, I’ve tackled the rapidly shrinking index page of Troppo Armadillo by editing the preferences in Moveable Type to display 12 days of posts instead of only seven.
Nevertheless, I’m rather hoping that Geoff, Wayne, Stephen and Roop might see their respective ways clear to helping out Wendy with a few fresh posts. I’m up to my eyeballs in exam and essay marking, not to mention also trying to cope with the consequences of a wildly successful marketing campaign for the new Charles Darwin University external online law degree program for which I’m responsible. It’s resulted in our first year enrolments for next year almost doubling. In the long run that’s very positive and precisely what we hoped to achieve. In the short term, however, such a rapid increase presents problems. We need to find quite a few additional tutors to teach all these extra students, and do so within our current budget because additional funding to reflect the higher enrolments won’t begin flowing for another 12 months. Consequently I’m not likely to get much time for blogging at least for the next couple of weeks.
Yes. I believe it’s high time I blogged. I’ve been up to my ears in AIDS reportage stuff but…..disease isn’t everything, no matter how scrumptious the hors d’ouevre’s at HIV charity circuit fundraisers…
Bit slack all round I reckon, wen excepted of course.
It’s so slack that there hasn’t even been a rugby post since Saturday night! Well, at least someone is preparing>/a> for the next World Cup.
It’s so slack that there hasn’t even been a rugby post since Saturday night! Well, at least someone is preparing for the next World Cup.