Permanently dyspeptic academic Professor Bunyip has stumbled upon an Australian perspective in the Hong Kong-based Asia Times which leaves Alison Broinowski’s thesis – about Asians getting all the wrong messages about us – looking overly pessimistic. It’s the most thoughtful assessment of the Marr/Wilkinson opus Dark Victory that you’re likely to have read.
I wonder if this review really represents an Asian perspective on Australia. It would be useful to know some of the background of the authour Alexander Casella.
It doesn’t at first glance seem to be a Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian or Thai name. So perhaps he is an expat. Perhaps even from Austalia!
But lets not be jumping to any conclusions now.
Indeed, perhaps even he IS the Bunyip.
There’s something I don’t understand about these asylum seekers. They pay big, big bucks to people smugglers to put them on a leaky boat and get pushed somewhere in the direction of northern Oz.
Why don’t they just get a tourist visa, fly themselves and their families in to Sydney or Melbourne, and claim refugee status when they arrive? It’s got to be cheaper, not to mention safer. And what’s the government going to do? Excise Mascot and Tullamarine from Australia’s migration zone?
One reason is that you need legitimate identifying documentation to be accepted on an international flight – and to be admitted to the flight’s port of disembarkation. You’re therefore easily identifiable – and your bona fides much more swiftly verifiable – than in the smuggling scenario.
“It would be useful to know some of the background of the authour Alexander Casella.”
Here you go Rex – from Google. Don’t know what his ethnic origin is but the Asia Times reaches a lot of Asians.
“Dr Alexander Casella is a consultant on refugee, illegal migration, population movements, conflicts, repatriation, rehabilitation and small arms collection. He is also Director/Presenter of a half hourly weekly program on Radio Tirana, Geneva.
Prior to his present appointment, Dr Casella held senior positions with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) from 1973 – 1996. He was a writer, war correspondent, political commentator, television director and editor, Bangkok World from 1962 -1975. He was also Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York, and has been a guest lecturer and seminar participant at various universities.”
OK, Can’t argue with that. Its not an Asian view but it is well credentialled.
Fancy publishing the words of a credentialled and presumably knowledgable person. It’s downright revolutionary!
Yep, Lets hope it catches on over at the Australian
Well credentialed doesn’t necessarily mean that he does not hold personal views which may or may not colour his perspective. For instance I notice that he goes for the old line that Australia is second only to Canada for resettlement of refugees on a per capita basis, I am surprised someone with his knowledge would peddle such a falsehood as fact.
His reference to population movements from poor countries to rich ignores the fact that the overwhelming majority of the people that contributed to the increase in numbers attempting to come here by boat were from Iraq and Afghanistan, two countries we have recently vilified over their human rights records.
I can understand how the border protection cheerleaders find this a little uncomfortable.
Geoff (and Ricardo), another reason is that tourist visas are simply not issued to the hoi polloi of many countries.
And if you come by plane, you don’t really have to apply for refugee status. Ask some of the estimated 60,000 overstayers.
True nardo. However, it’s equally clear that not all the legendary 60,000 are asylum-seekers per se. Many of them just want to have fun :)
All countries – not just Australia – reserve the right to selectively issue tourist visas. Do you think we should scrap it as a policy?
If you have between US$7000 and US$9000 to come here you are not poor! We are not a dumping ground for the world’s human refuse. Interesting to note that the champion of human rights(magistrate brian deegan) has just released a paedophile from prison, he was actually sent to jail for repeat parole violations. Caught living next to a school! Hands up all who want to march in support of the paedophiles’ right to molest children? If the paedophile rapes more children will deegan take any of the blame?
Geoff, no. But that’s why you wouldn’t be able to just fly over, as Ricardo suggested, and claim asylum at Mascot (why go to Melbourne?!). And that applies whether you are a refugee or not.
Re: legendary overstayers.. I know a few of ’em but unfortunately can’t dob them in as that would be unAustralian! I think Qantas could lay claim to being our biggest people smuggling operation.
bah, who needs the media anyway? Neighbours covered it first.
What is an Asian view?
I’m impressed to “learn” that craig is better informed than Dr Casella. It’s reassuring to know we have such “well informed” contributors as craig among us? On the other hand, some might suggest self assuredness isn’t always the same as well informed?
Maybe instead of trying to misrepresent what I said you could tell me why I’m wrong.
Talk about shattering a myth or two …
THIS is just about the definitive explanation of the Tampa affair. It was written in an Asian newspaper and takes an objective and cool-headed look at the issue. The conventional narrative surrounding Tampa involves John Howard deviously tapping the la…