I wonder what’s happened to all the other armadillos?? No-one else has posted in yonks. I’m up to my eyeballs in uni administration work at CDU. It turns out we have 100 new first year external students where we had estimated 60!! It’s a nice dilemma to have in the long run, but in the short term it means pressing the panic button and co-opting additional casual tutors from amongst the legal profession and recent Honours graduates, and lots of other urgent tasks. As a result, I’m unlikely to have time to post over the next couple of weeks (although I may post comments). With a bit of luck some other armadillos might emerge from blogging slumber and take up the slack
Geoff Honnor where are you ther blogsphere calls for your name in vain?
Fantastic news, Ken!
I mean not for yourself as part of our boutique law school, but for myself as a fellow keen to recruit amongst first years, it’s excellent news.
It’s also good for me as a law student iin the medium term, as it will encourage the university to shift resources to the school.
It looks like I’ll be doing Admin law with you this semester.
Gee Homer, I hope the blogosphere is calling my name in a nice way.
I’ve been a bit preoccupied but given that tomorrow has freed up, I’m planning a long overdue post or two.
What’s with all these enrolments Ken? I understood that no-one could afford to go to Uni anymore?
and its such a good crew too…
Whatever happened to Roop? A brief burst of activity, then nothing…
They give your name full honnor!
Jaques: Top marks for that suck-up to the Prof.
Ken: Just when we get used to seeing the smartest man in blogdom regularly posting, you’re gone!
Just when I wanted to know whether Al-Hilali has fallen foul of our ant-terrorism laws. Would any of your students, associates care to inform us on this topical issue, in your absence Ken?
I don’t exactly see where I was sucking up to the professor, Mr Sausage; but FWIW I think the faculty at CDU are excellent.
If the last one wasn’t sucking up, that message certainly was. Nevertheless,your assessment of our excellence is certainly correct (if not understated).
I’m just getting used to living in the sauna that is Darwin during the wet season – becoming familiar with slippery keys from the sweat droplets falling on the keyboard, fungus growing in the corners of the screen, living in near nudity, unable to tolerate the merest of clothing. I never realised how quiet our suburb is, the loudest thing I’ve heard is the neighbours dog barking when the postie delivers. Ahh, how travel makes one sensitive to the qualities of life.
where’s Wen when you need her??
where’s Wen when you need her??
I’m here, I’m here….sorry all. I think I may have got through the ‘transition’ phase of the novel & into the ‘pushing’ bit (that dreadful analogy is especially for you, Gianna). Have a trillion blogging ideas – but I’m afraid they’ll just have to wait…. I’ll put some fiction up tomorrow if you like, just so the place looks inhabited!
wen – do novel. PUSH NOW. gianna – do baby PUSH NOW. at least a book doesn’t barf on your back, but then it doesn’t smile and hold your finger, either..
Yes, where is Roop? I’ve cherished him ever since he argued that the chief difference between Martin Luther King and Hitler was that MLK hadn’t invaded Poland and put Jews in concentration camps*. And back when he was “adam”, he made a riotous fool of himself over at Tim Blair’s blog over depleted uranium. So bring him back! We need light relief from all you serious, brainy bloggers!
*Actually, I put the point to him as an argument ad absurdum and he actually agreed. But still…