TA’s “Most recently commented posts” list has mysteriously disappeared overnight. Buggered if I know why. The code is still there and intact in the main index template, as far as I can see, but the list itself isn’t. When I try rebuilding the site, I get an error message when it reaches the Index pages. It says somethign like “zero-sized file”. What does it all mean? Does anyone know how to fix it?
Just testing that commenting itself is still working.
Bloody hell! The list has equally miraculously reappeared. Computers is mysterious creatures.
Miraculous. There wasn’t a blurred yet still quite discernible image of the Virgin on your Monitor at the moment of recovery was there Ken? We could make Troppo the first blogospherical pilgrimage site….it did wonders for Coogee last year.
No, but I think my PC may be weeping divine tears of relief. Then again, it could be the coffee I spilt a while ago.
Yeah spilling coffee is a good way of stuffing up your page.