Here’s dear old John Ray – the curmudgeonly crowd’s favourite psychologist – offering a free and unsolicited appraisal of Andrew Sullivan:
“Keith Burgess-Jackson and many other conservatives have been appalled at Andrew Sullivan’s extreme, irrational and hysterical reaction to GWB’s opposition to homosexual marriage. From the way Sullivan speaks, you would think GWB was out to murder homosexuals. Sullivan is of course himself a homosexual so I was not myself surprised by his reaction. Homosexuals themselves now normally claim that they are genetically different and it is certainly my observation that over-emotionality is very prevalent among them — wicked of me though it no doubt is to say so. And it is not the first time Sullivan has been noticeably irrational. His expression of contempt for British culture (he is himself British-born) is hard to see as anything other than an emotional outburst.”
I don’t think it’s “wicked” of him. But it is very funny, in a nostalgic sort of way. It’s like a 1960’s letter to the Times from some retired Indian Army Colonel in Cheltenham, provoked beyond belief by the “Boys in the Band” “Shocking chaps! Thoroughly unreliable! One couldn’t rely on them in a tight spot, they’d become a liability with their innate propensity to womanly hysteria! ”
It’s particularly amusing because my sense of “over-reaction” here is that it’s pretty much emblematic of the histrionics of those who would perceive the end of civilisation as we know it in the desire of poofs to have their relationships validated.
Exactly Geoff … but could you rely on them in a tight spot? (dear oh dear, so sorry) … and the link is broken.
Fixed. Though you do have to scroll down quite aways – through many interesting observations – to “elsewhere.”
I, myself, would never underestimate the value that might accrue from having a bloke you can rely upon in a tight spot, Chris.
Scroll down a bit on Burgess-Jackson’s blog and you get this: the amendment might be needed because otherwise “homosexual marriage will be forced on everyone by activist judges”. I don’t know whether that means that he’s worried that he might have to marry an activist judge or that an activist judge might force him to marry a man, but clearly things are more serious than I thought.
I did have a run in with Burgess-Jackson a while ago, so maybe I’m biased….
Scroll down a bit on Burgess-Jackson’s blog and you get this: the amendment might be needed because otherwise “homosexual marriage will be forced on everyone by activist judges”. I don’t know whether that means that he’s worried that he might have to marry an activist judge or that an activist judge might force him to marry a man, but clearly things are more serious than I thought.
I did have a run in with Burgess-Jackson a while ago, so maybe I’m biased….
Bush is pushing for an amendment to a document that exists to limit governmental control and safeguard freedoms, so that (at least in the context of this one amendment) it will safeguard governmental control and limit freedom. And yet those who wonder if this is necessarily a good thing are the ones being extreme…
You might note that I have NOT personally opposed homosexual marriage. As a libertarian, my view is that ALL marriage should be a matter of private contract only. So your apparent belief that I am one of those “over-reacting” is as lacking in objectivity as the rest of your comments.
“You might note that I have NOT personally opposed homosexual marriage.”
So noted John. But the point of my post was that Andrew Sullivan’s alleged “over-emotional” reaction was not at all out of proportion with that emanating from some of the proponents of the FMA.
And if you’ve got some specific insight into whether or not “over-emotionality is very prevalent among them,” feel free to share it.
fighting over marriage
Bush’s attack on gay marriage is swinging across the internet like a pterodactyl with leprosy, swooping and staggering and crashing into unlikely habitats far up in the mountains. Australia for instance. Kick and Scream has had fun with this, while…
fighting over marriage
Bush’s attack on gay marriage is swinging across the internet like a pterodactyl with leprosy, swooping and staggering and crashing into unlikely habitats far up in the mountains. Australia for instance. Kick and Scream has had fun with this, while…
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