If you look to your right, you should notice that I’ve finally gotten around to updating the Troppo Armadillo blogroll for the first time in six months or so. As far as I know, I’ve updated the addresses of everyone who’s moved premises in that time. I’ve also added quite a few new blogs, and deleted some dead ones. My policy on the latter has been to delete blogs that have announced their own demise, as well as those where no posting has taken place for at least 6 months or so.
As far as new blogs go, I haven’t adopted an even slightly diligent or systematic approach. I’ve simply added those that immediately occurred to me. The general TA policy has always been to list as many Australian blogs as possible that have an even partly political or legal flavour, unless they’re so utterly obnoxious that I can’t bring myself even to acknowledge their existence. So if your blog doesn’t appear at right, it’s probably because I’ve forgotten you exist or never knew in the first place. So feel free to send me an email at ken.parish@cdu.edu.au, and I’ll add your blog next time a strong enough pang of conscience coincides with a lack of unavoidably urgent academic tasks (which may well be another six months or so).
PS – I also promised to promote a political humour site called Bald Monkey, which seems to be associated in some mysterious way with an ex-CDU law student whose name I can’t reveal on pain of death.
PPS – One very significant blog that I overlooked in my update is that of the formidable Tim Lambert. (via David Tiley) Tim published a superb post yesterday, further exposing links between the tobacco industry and mega-dodgy Steve Milloy of Junk Science.
Thanks for the link Ken.
Thanks, Ken. Greatly appreciated.
Perhaps I missed something but I cannot find a connection between junkscience.com and Philip Morris apart from this statement “They funded the creation of TASSC and junkscience.com”. Tim Lambert does a good job fack checking statistics but he is delving into the vary things he condemns. Playing the man and not the ball with a heavy dose of gilt by association is taking a major part of his work not something most expect from a academic. As well accusing others of being agenda driven when he has his own agenda.
Gee Gary, you can’t have looked very hard. Do you understand how to follow a link? Here.
And it is a misrepresentation to accuse me of playing the man and not the ball. I explain why Milloy’s stats are bogus. They are not bogus because he’s funded by a tobacco company. They’re bogus because they have no scientific basis. The funding merely explains why he peddles bogus stats.
As for “accusing others of being agenda driven when he has his own agenda”: Isn’t that what you just did?
I did say “Perhaps I missed something” Tim so thank you. It certainly puts a ? before Steve Milloy.
“As for “accusing others of being agenda driven when he has his own agenda”: Isn’t that what you just did?”
I don’t deny I have an agenda but you have the skill and the knowledge to go beyond that and use data instead of screaming “right wing” at all that disagree with you.
Dear Gary, here is a challenge for you: find just one post, just one post on my blog where I scream “right-wing” at those that disagree with me instead of using data.
On the other hand, screaming “left-wing” on your blog seems to be pretty much SOP.
Tim: I did not say “instead” I said it plays a part or to be more accurate you use it as a precursor to set biases. If you wont to be considered a pundit grouped in with people like me, that’s fine but you loose the respect that comes with being an academic.
Gary, April 25 9:15 AM:
I did not say “instead” I said it plays a part
Gary, April 24 8:05 PM, my emphasis:
I don’t deny I have an agenda but you have the skill and the knowledge to go beyond that and use data instead of screaming “right wing” at all that disagree with you.
Sorry my mistake and it wasn’t intentional Tim. It was the spirit of my original comment I was referring to.
Sorry my mistake and it wasn’t intentional Tim. It was the spirit of my original comment I was referring to.
So Gary, are you retracting your comment of April 24, 8:05 PM?
I just did.
Funny thing is I recognised your skill and work with some mild criticism and this is how you react. All to common an occurrence with people intrusted to teach in higher education.
Just to be clear I don’t retract that you do begin many of you post setting the seen with the spectre of “right wing”. I do retract the implication that you only do that evan though I think you deliberately misunderstood. Or are you denying that you don’t?
Dear Gary, you wrote:I don’t deny I have an agenda but you have the skill and the knowledge to go beyond that and use data instead of screaming “right wing” at all that disagree with you.First you denied that you wrote it and now you accuse me of deliberately misunderstanding you. I did not misunderstand you, deliberately or otherwise. Your meaning was quite clear.
All you do is spout accusations. You never provide any support for them. If you want to have a serious discussion then support your claim by providing an actual quote of when I began a post bysetting the seen with the spectre of “right wing”. Put up or shut up.
Are you saying that you don’t?
If you think these “accusations” are wrong then I will retract them, Tim.
“Tim Lambert does a good job fack checking statistics”
“you have the skill and the knowledge”
Yes Gary, I’m saying that I don’t. Put up or shut up.
OK I don’t usually respond to a childish hissy fit but will retract “Tim Lambert does a good job fack checking statistics” and “you have the skill and the knowledge” happy Tim. Others can judge if my perception is wrong by reading your site.