The blogspammers seem to have found a new and even more cunning way to post unsolicited advertising. They’ve found a way to post “comments” that aren’t displayed in the Moveable Type editing screen, so that you can’t easily delete them. See the “comment” by “Hospital” to Geoff Honnor’s post “Democracy Makes You Healthier – And Lovelier“. Any techie gurus have any clues?
Update – Now the spam comment seems to have disappeared. Weird!! Test
I deleted it Ken.
I set MT to email all comments to me, then use MT-Blacklist to delete the spam and bar subsequent postings from the same IP address or linking to the same URLs. I think this would fix your problem.
MT Blacklist is installed on the entire domain so just do what John suggests and it should be alright.
The problem is, though, that in multi-user blogs, different spam comments get emailed to the different contributors.