Porn attack

A couple of commenters have asked what is going on with the beastiality links in various comment boxes. Presumably they haven’t been paying attention to the fact that (apparently) most blogs running on a Moveable Type or similar platform are now subject to periodic attack by blog spam purveyors. James Russell has been the main victim over the last week or so, and now it seems to be our turn again.

I apologise to readers for the appearance of this distasteful material on Troppo Armadillo. I’m doing all I can to prevent it and remove it as soon as I can. Unfortunately I don’t currently have a home Internet connection, so if the spam appears after around 5.30 or 6pm each evening (when I usually leave work), it’s going to remain there until about 9am the following morning when I get to my desk again. More positively, MT Blacklist makes it very simple and quick to delete the spam comments as soon as I discover them. What I might do in an attempt to achieve quicker spam deletion, is to send access details for the MT Blacklist facility to Geoff Honnor and Wendy James (assuming both are still TA bloggers at least notionally) and Wayne Wood. That way, any one of them can delete the spam if they discover it before me.

Speaking of porn, yesterday I attended various presentations at the Charles Darwin Symposium “Creative Tropical City“, including one by porn researcher Kath Albury that I recently foreshadowed. Sadly, Kath didn’t dress in her Nurse Nancy outfit, nor did she make any real attempt to titillate the audience in more subtle ways, jaded as we were by a series of turgid papers about aspects of urban “cultural” planning. Nevertheless, there were a few interesting aspects to her presentation, which readers can listen to here (in Windows Media format).

For example, apparently Kath’s porn research has revealed that regular porn consumers who self-identify as Labor voters feel much more guilty about their habit than Tories. Sadly, Kath didn’t pursue the angle of why that might be so. Is it because Labor voters include a higher proportion of Catholics, who are taught to feel guilty about non-procreative sex? Or because Labor voters are more likely to have a social conscience, and therefore feel guilty about enjoying a product that may involve the exploitation of women (and the workers who make it generally)?

Kath also mentioned an emerging trend for “ethical” porn, usually manufactured in a cottage industry situation rather than by the corporate sector. ‘Macrobiotic erotica’ or ‘hippie porn’ was one such category she mentioned. Again though, she didn’t explore the implications of the concept. What does hippie porn involve? Licking mung beans off each other’s genitalia? Inserting organically-grown asparagus into bodily orifices? Sex while manacled to a tree in an old-growth forest? I was dying to ask Kath these vital questions, but I decided discretion was the better part of valour.

About Ken Parish

Ken Parish is a legal academic, with research areas in public law (constitutional and administrative law), civil procedure and teaching & learning theory and practice. He has been a legal academic for almost 20 years. Before that he ran a legal practice in Darwin for 15 years and was a Member of the NT Legislative Assembly for almost 4 years in the early 1990s.
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Scott Wickstein
2024 years ago

Ken I’ve been working on a couple of hacks to the MT installation which should mean that I can despam these things- basically the idea is that every comment should arrive in my inbox. That means a lot of mail but at least I can get the spam and use the blacklist on it in the evenings.

Scott Wickstein
2024 years ago


Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2024 years ago

Thanks Scott. BTW what are you testing?

Scott Wickstein
2024 years ago

Just a hack that Robert Corr pointed out to me. The idea is that every comment on the domain should be emailed to me, so I can despam it while folks like yourself are not online- that way you don’t have to wait until morning to do despamming.

Scott Wickstein
2024 years ago

and it’s not working so far…

Dave Ricardo
Dave Ricardo
2024 years ago

“Labor voters feel much more guilty about their habit than Tories.”

That’s because Tories have fond memories of the group buggery sessions in their private school dorms.

John Quiggin
John Quiggin
2024 years ago

Most of the spam is disguised in such a way that it’s not obvious to readers – they targeting search engines and want to slip under the radar if they can. So I don’t worry about waiting until morning to delete them.

2024 years ago

One thing I bet the Hippie porn doesn’t have: Shaved pubic regions.

2024 years ago

i think it is when the active visible participants are quite hirsute ken – but of course, that is only a guess…