Please excuse my absence

Jen and I are going away for a few days into the tourist-infested wilds of Kakadu. Not all that wild, actually; we’re staying in four star comfort at the Gagudju Crocodile Hotel at Jabiru. It seems that our roughing it in a swag days are over. We’ll be back Thursday night, but then I’m engaged in the Australasian Law Teachers’ Association Conference starting Friday. It’s being hosted by CDU this year, so posting over the weekend will also be light to non-existent. You never know, Geoff Honnor and/or Wendy James might even rematerialise and post something in my temporary absence. Geoff’s back in the full-time salaried workforce these days, but surely the boss wouldn’t begrudge the occasional blogging excursion. I don’t know about others, but I’m suffering serious withdrawal symptoms from Geoff’s erudite, witty, gently sarcastic prose. Same goes for Wendy to an even greater extent. You must be almost finished that doctoral thesis by now, haven’t you Wen? Even if not, maybe you could drag an old short story out of the bottom drawer and post it, a teaser for us loyal but desperately deprived Jamesians.

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David Tiley
2025 years ago

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES until my fingers got tired and I thought this isn’t very adult.

But still… YES.

2025 years ago

I remember somewhere Geoff Honnor saying he had a medical degree from the University of Sydney. Is that true and he just chooses not to practice anymore?

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

No TJW. I don’t have a medical degree. I run a health-focussed NGO. I’m not a doc – but I know lots of people who are.

Flattery could get you somewhere Ken. Watch out for the crocs.

2025 years ago

Susceptible? Moi?

You bet.