(via Al Bundy) Currency Lad, a frequent, well read and provocative poster at this and other blogs, has launched out in his own right and started a solo blog. And not before time. He’s a welcome addition to the blogosphere, and can be expected to vex the left of the ‘sphere on a regular basis. CL’s opening posts are focused heavily on the present appalling situation in Sudan which, as he observes, is beginning to look very much like a replay of Rwanda. I’d intended to post about it myself if I hadn’t been distracted by the rude interruption of the work CDU pays me to do. I’ll add CL to the blogroll without further ado.
Ken, he’s a puppy dog. Let him prove himself first.
An open side flanker, mate.
Wait a sec…
Thanks Ken – I really appreciate that. Peter – sooo, we meet again! Tags at the ready my friend and one day – when you least expect it – you’ll be at the bottom of a ruck somewhere, some day…
I’m glad these new bloggers are coming through. I’ve lost the urge to blog on my own behalf these days, apart from sport, but I certainly do enjoy the contributions of the new breed of bloggers coming through.
You poor old codger, Scott!!! Weary before your time.
Scott is not wearied. It is just that conceding to sports writing is a ghastly existential mistake. It sucks you in, consumes your life and leaves you slumped in the gutter muttering cliches and clicking on a stop watch.
an enjoyable blogsite and CL don’t let up on CS!
What’s this, Homer? Do I detect a lurch to the right? I never thought I’d see the day.
What do you mean lurch.
I have always been conservative.
I am probably the only social conservative in the blogosphere.
Merely because I always vote against third term governments doesn’t mean I am totally for Iron Mark merely that I think it is time for johnnee.
After two terms I will give Iron Mark the rustbucket!
CL gives true colour to CS site along with Fred.