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2025 years ago

no, that’s how how angrily and sanctimoniously [and knowing hitchens, probably drunkenly] carve up wankers like adams. someone interested in forensics might actually allow adams a chance to make his [no doubt idiotic] argument, before tearing it to shreds.

Scott Wickstein
2025 years ago

Perhaps a little too forensic, actually. And quite possibly, a wasted effort. Adams and Margo are reduced to self-caricatures these days, surely it’s time to move on.

2025 years ago

Scott, you really have got to give credit to Adams for being more honest than the general run of lefties, most of whom strenuously object te being called Saddamites. At least Adams is honest enough to be transparent in his sympathies for Saddam, just as Margo is fairly open these days about her virulent anti-semitism.

Scott Wickstein
2025 years ago

I don’t think Margo is actually an anti-semite. I think she’s just banging the anti-semite drum to sell her book. I can’t work out if that is worse or not.

Homer Paxton
Homer Paxton
2025 years ago

Only the American could devote a column to criticise one of its plagiarisers and consider people would think it is worth reading.

2025 years ago

Oh I see, Scott. She has an ulterior motive! Hitler didn’t really hate Jews, either, really. He just needed a handy scapegoat, and they were the easiest to pick on.

Scott Wickstein
2025 years ago

She works with a lot of Jewish writers- and she’s a very confused little girl, on a lot of things. Its the drugs! Too many summers at Byron Bay do take a toll.

2025 years ago

Diced. Sliced. Glashriced.

That’s last’s just gotta hurt.

2025 years ago

That’s that.

2025 years ago

That’s a bit unfair Ken, comparing Hitch to pathetic third rate wannabes like Blair and Bunyip.

Peter Ransen
Peter Ransen
2025 years ago

Seeing as we are in the realm of the ridiculous comments, here’s another. Try this, purse the inside of your mouth, salivate, and then inhale somewhat noisily through and with that saliva.

What you have there is the Phillip Adams radio about-to-speak sound.

A psycho-assessment of why he does it? Ego. Poor bastard can’t let a moment go without his essence, no matter how revolting, going through the mike; driven by blindingly overblown belief in the value of his personal ideas.

Ahhh.. i feel better now.

Carry on.

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

“someone interested in forensics might actually allow adams a chance to make his [no doubt idiotic] argument, before tearing it to shreds.”

Someone interested in commenting might have checked out the Adams argument to which Hitchens was responding before he babbled on redundantly about forensics. But, no matter.

Hitchens is to Adams as Bismark is to Downer. Reality versus pretence. Or, one of the most lucid journalistic intellects of the age versus a fat bloke with a tendency to drop other peoples names as he covertly riffles through their works for derivative inspiration.

snuh, if Christopher Hitchens is a drunk he’s probably infinitely better company than those who would offer that as a reason to dislike him.

2025 years ago

“Only the American could devote a column to criticise one of its plagiarisers and consider people would think it is worth reading.”

Homer, you’re a great one to talk about plagiarisers! Mike Carlton owns the copyright to the term “the American” when referring to the Murdoch national paper. At least some acknowledgement, if you don’t mind!

2025 years ago

so who does get through a whole phillip adams article? When I was 16 at boarding school I thought he was so great – agnostic and I even tried to emulate his writing style. Now I’m 41 and I get bored quickly – I can’t now see what it was I loved about his style so much – i find it so vacuous and predictable – is that it? is it because he has been writing the same stuff for 20 years? and with every good intention has no original thinking in him – thankyou you lot – and I’ll post this one – for allowing me to write myself through my phillip adams block. And his audience is the impressionable and the muggles.

2025 years ago

The only article of any worth that Phillip Adams ever wrote was many years ago, about the cause of AIDS which he identified as overwhelmingly identified with unprotected recipient anal intercourse, both homosexual and heterosexual. It was very out of character for Phil because it was based on quite strong medical evidence available at the time. Nowadays it seems to be much more complex than that, particularly in Africa.

Peter Ransen
Peter Ransen
2025 years ago

I think the “getting through the article” concept is very valid in today’s op-ed market. I wonder how many journo’s and opinion piece writers are aware of how loyally we try to stick at reading them, time and again, suffering and rejecting many in an attempt to obtain some benefit or insight. (One hopes these writers don’t take us for granted.) Maybe I’m getting older, too, because it’s rare for me to be able to get through an opinion piece article these days. It’s all just mashed potatoes.

I reckon the best pieces are now found on the web.

Excellent pieces on a daily basis.

2025 years ago

Mike Carlton owns the copyright to the term “the American” when referring to the Murdoch national paper.

Actually, no he doesn’t. As I pointed out a while ago, Carlton was pipped to that one by Chris Sheil. As Chris has encouraged use of the phrase as a meme, Homer is well within his rights to use it.

2025 years ago

Well, Robert, I can’t say I’m surprised at Carlton’s lack of originality. The sameness of his boring sarcasm week after week is mind-numbing. The eight hundredth repeat of the same “look how clever I am everyone” joke just emphasises the puerility of his crap. He must be having a race with himself to see what inane “joke” phrase reaches its thousandth use first – “The American” or “Lord Downer of Baghdad”.

Homer would be much better trying to invent his own stupid epithets.