Uncategorized Sifting The Sewer Geoff Honnor August 1, 2004 Paul Watson has noted , stylishly, that a feature story in yesterday's Oz looks, on the surface of it, to be a strange fit with...
Print media Less is Moore Ken Parish August 1, 2004 This review of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 by Darlene on Ambit Gambit is well worth reading. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I suspect...
Life Incompetent bastardry Ken Parish August 1, 2004 The Peter Principle holds that employees in any organisation are promoted up to their level of incompetence, and then cling relentlessly to a job they're...
History Fisking makes a comeback Ken Parish August 1, 2004 'Fisking' (defined here and here) was an often irritating aspect of the blogging genre, that seems to have fallen out of favour over the last...