Less is Moore

This review of Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 by Darlene on Ambit Gambit is well worth reading. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I suspect my reaction is likely to be similar.

About Ken Parish

Ken Parish is a legal academic, with research areas in public law (constitutional and administrative law), civil procedure and teaching & learning theory and practice. He has been a legal academic for almost 20 years. Before that he ran a legal practice in Darwin for 15 years and was a Member of the NT Legislative Assembly for almost 4 years in the early 1990s.
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2024 years ago

Unlike the audience in Darlene’s cinema, the audience at mine laughed heartily throughout, and applauded at the end. Mind you it did happen to be at an ALP fundraiser so it played to an audience with a sense of humour.

Don Wigan
Don Wigan
2024 years ago

I haven’t caught up with it yet, either. I suspect my reaction might be something similar – eg, laying it on with a trowel etc. Other critics have drawn attention to factual errors and selective use of material.

Here, they’re on thinner ground if we remember the way the official account was promoted. There were many more errors and misinformation in the Bush-Cheney line.

All the same, Moore is an extraordinary phenomenon. How can you make a doco into an entertainment and a bestseller?

2024 years ago

Is this where GWB gets his material?

Evil Pundit
2024 years ago

How can you make a doco into an entertainment and a bestseller?

It’s easy when the majority of the media share your political agenda and actively promote you.

Especially when the ‘doco’ is a fictional story in the first place.

Peter Ransen
Peter Ransen
2024 years ago

“It’s easy when the majority of the media share your political agenda and actively promote you.”

No doubt a documentary showing Bush’s incredible statesmanship and wisdom, his humanity, his wonderful grasp of world events and positive and productive leadership of same would get a media run, too.

Now why hasn’t that been made?

Don Wigan
Don Wigan
2024 years ago

Been on hols, EvilP? Haven’t heard from you much in recent times and kinda missed your fractured logic.

If the majority of the media shared your political agenda, why do Moore’s political opposites like Bolt, Ackerman and Blair do so well? The sheer brilliance and insight they’re bringing to the world?

And it seems the same in the States where Rush Limbaugh and Judith Miller never lack a platform.
Not to mention our beloved FOX-TV.

Of course, there’s also the possibility that a lot of the media has got itself into such a lather about Moore’s undisguised anti-Bush agenda that their attacks have given it free publicity – much like in the old days when the easiest way to get publicity for porn was to have it banned and demonstrated against.

2024 years ago

Thanks for the link. It’s much appreciated.

Just to let Rex know, I have been a member of the ALP since 1998.

I suspect ALP membership requires that one have a sense of humour or one is likely to go a little nutty. I have, however, met some humourless old buggers in the party.