A relatively harmless voyeur

One of the many great things about the blogosphere is that when you get bored with the political stuff (as I am at the moment – I can’t even be bothered reading it let alone writing about it), there are usually more intimate posts to read and ponder. And some of them are very well written indeed. Take Carolinkus’s piece about older people, and Gianna’s post about the roof cleaner’s enterprising but unsuccessful attempt to seduce her. Both are beautiful pieces of writing, evoking a range of thoughts and emotions that left me smiling to myself.

Update – From the sublime to the ridiculous, apparently some female expat Aussie loser has been plagiarising posts from Caz and Yobbo (among others). Now I don’t want to be rude, because both of them write some great stuff, but the posts this stupid bitch stole aren’t among them. A sick puppy in lots of ways, you’d suspect.

Meanwhile, Paul Watson posts a delightfully bitchy but dubiously coherent piece about horizontal rower Sally Robbins and her supportive teammates, and another equally bizarre one about gay contestants on reality TV shows. So it really isn’t all that difficult to escape politics if you put your mind to it.

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Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

I see from the Trackback pings that Chris Sheil is offended by my comment that I’m bored by politics at the moment. But Geoff Honnor has the same reaction, at least in relation to the Scrafton saga. I’m sure it’s important for some people to keep observing the manouevrings of Howard in minute detail, as Chris is doing. It’s a potentially valuable political accountability function, and there’s clearly a significant blogging audience for it, as witnessed by the large number of comments generated by his posts on the topic.

However, there are also lots of people like me whose attention has wandered now that most of the details of the Scrafton story seem to have been revealed and explored. More generally, we’re in the “phony war” period before the federal election is called. The newspapers and some bloggers are continually writing articles about when Howard will call the election and what the polls are currently saying, and that’s fine. But I don’t think there’s anything I can usefully add to them at this point. So why write posts just for the sake of it?

In fact I’m intending to write a fairly long post about asylum seekers and the migration detention policy later today, flowing from a couple of recent posts by John Quiggin. But on the general political front, I just wish they’d bring on the election campaign and get it over with (just as I’m sick of the bloody Olympics too). I’ll certainly be engaged again once the cut and thrust of the campaign proper begins, and especially when Latham finally reveals his tax policy and spending cut proposals, but in the meantime I really am pretty bored by it all, like many others. And blogging being ultimately just a hobby, I’m not going to write about subjects that don’t interest me.

2025 years ago

thanks, Ken.

2025 years ago

yeah like what Gianna said, Ken. Cheers.

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

And the Currency Lad seems to be blogging up an eschewing-politics storm as well: inspired by Gianna .

Scott Wickstein
2025 years ago

That plagarist has been exposed. What a silly little bint. Caz and The Hack are in fact great people, I met them a while back, but they really are sociopaths. Don’t mess with them because they really will put in the hard yards to make your life a total misery. But given what Caroline Dyer has been up to in the United States, it is hard to feel sorry for her. Justice moves in mysterious ways. Now she’s going to get an enormous bucket of s*** tipped on her.

2025 years ago

I’m not offended Ken. More like “Ok I acknowledge many folks aren’t interested and fair enough but I am so don’t complain” intro to the post, blogging being ultimately just a hobby, I’m only going to write about subjects that interest me.

2025 years ago

Another excellent non-political blog (lots out there) –


Gem is a young Sydney writer who blogs mostly on personal subjects; she’s often funny and she has a great quirky/experimental approach to her writing.

2025 years ago

Scrafton, on reflection II

These are more ‘preliminary contemporaneous analytical notes’ on Scrafton, this time on the meaning of his revelations. If you already think (1) nothing happened, or (2) something happened but it doesn’t matter, or (3) something happened and it does ma…