As readers may have noticed, the “10 most recently-commented posts” sidebar feature is broken (blank). I don’t know why. I suspect it’s some sort of corruption of Scott’s MT installation, because it won’t allow me to rebuild the main index template to fix the problem. I’ve sent out an SOS to Scott, but in the meantime you’ll just need to check posts individually to see if there are any new comments.
Come on, work you slack bastard.
That is MT, I meant, not you, Ken.
Fuck couldnt something easier have broken down on a Saturday morning?
Okay, the same feature is cactus on Ubersportingpundit. Ow, Ow, Ow.
Thanks for responding so quickly Scott. I hope it doesn’t prove to be too much of a headache, especially if you had a big Friday night.
Ken, I’ve had a look at the file it mentions and I can not tell what is wrong with it. There could be a corruption in the database.
I get the impression from what has happened to the Drivelwarehouse domain that MT tends to corrupt over time, and as it gets older it tends to creak and groan. This installation of MT now has over 7,000 posts and 20,000 comments running in it, and given that MT has these stupid ideas about paying for their latest versions, I’ve not been able to upgrade.
I have heard that there are similar problems over at as well, although I’ve not noticed (but then I don’t run that blog, either).
It is quite possible that I can not fix the problem. In the long run, it might be necessary to do a move to WordPress. If we do that, what I’ll do is set up separate installs for everyone so there’s less load on each database.
But anyway, I will have a look into the plumbing this evening and see if I can patch something together to get it to work. I apologise for the inconvienience.
Don’t apologise. I’m just grateful that you’ve been so generous as to offer us space and support on your domain. If you move to WordPress and it costs money, I’ll be happy to kick the can. Similarly if you want to bite the bullet and look at the new version of MT, although not if it’s a regular monthly charge as opposed to a one-off payment. How much money are we talking about?
I just had a look. MT is $US99.95. I’m happy to pay that amount, given that you’re paying for the domain. Email me and we can discuss how to do it (if you want).
I’ll check it out tonight- I’d like to avoid paying if I can at all fix this bug.
Given that the lack of support thang will get worse, I guess we are all looking at upgrading.
Mm.. wordpress..
Okay, it’s back working on Troppo Armadillo, although not on the other blogs. I’m not sure why, I didn’t touch it. Must have been that old Jedi mind trick or something.
That’s a worry if you didn’t touch it. Because the format of the feature is now quite different from what it was before. I don’t have time to look at the index template code right now, but it has to be different. Is there anyone else who has access to the templates, because it looks like someone has changed it?
No, I did change the format this morning but it had no effect. It was not working when you did your post about Mark Latham’s reaction to the Electrolux case was it?
When I logged on this evening, first it was not working and then it was.
And it is still not working on Ubersportingpundit. Very strange indeed.
And now it is working…. Okay, I’ve had enough of this shit. I’m going to cook my dinner and then drink a bottle of Bundy. No more code till tomorrow afternoon.
Yes, MT2.6.x can become quite shitty when it starts to get older and bigger. Especially if you run a hacked commenting script. IMHO, ideally MT needs to have 1 db global db for options, and an individual db for each blogs posts/comments.
Scott, if you need help with setting up a WP blog, even just to play around with, hit me up on MSN and i’l help you with it. I literally had Adam migrated over in less than 10 minutes.
I dont know how long it would take to migrate however many blogs you have on here but hey, its an option.
And Ken, for what its worth, MT is not worth US$100. No where near it.
Recent comments disfunctionality
As with Troppo Armadillo, my Most Recent Comments section (on the right) is OOS. Apparently, Scott is going to give the system a kick up the fundiment some time tonight. JJM…