Southerly Buster on northerly election

Alan from Southerly Buster has an excellent post on the Indonesian Presidential runoff that has resulted in Bambang Yudhoyono winning a smashing victory over Megawati Sukarnoputri, in a fairly unequivocal flowering of real, non-corrupt democracy. Who knows whether he’ll be any better than his predecessors (none of whom could be regarded as even modest successes), but at least our nearest neighbour seems to be developing a durable democratic culture, and that must surely augur well for future relations.

PS – Jason Soon also posts on fairly promising developments in Malaysia under its new post-Mahathir Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi.

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Martin Pike
2025 years ago

Mega was not particularly good for Australia. Her papa, and most of her cred came from who her papa was, was an aggressive quasi-expansionist excessively obsessed, due to his part in the Indonesian independence movement, with hyping nationalism.

Mega was not very intelligent, in fact by world leader standards downright stupid, did little to deal with islamofascists and wasn’t particularly fond of Australia.

Sampai bertemu tidak pernah!

Cameron Riley
2025 years ago

More encouragement from Indonesia, for a democracy five years young they are doing wonderfully. Ultimately, Australia cannot prosper without Indonesia propsering. Australian security and stability will also come from Indonesia security and stability as well. Already they have been taking the terrorism hits for Australia, and handling it well, despite Howard using the Indonesia police as an unwarranted political football after the Jakarta bombings.

I would like to see something revolutionary, beyond “Asian Engagement” from the Labor party. Something that involves a defence and economic agreement with Indonesia. The Liberals wont engage Indonesia other than superficially based on real current needs. ie police interaction. Nothing revolutionary.