There is a good review in the Guardian by Simon Waldman of Dan Gillmor’s new book on the impact of blogging on journalism, We The Media. And the Guardian is also raising the profile of the British blogosphere for its readership with a competition for the Best British Blog.
Closer to home, the SOOB (Straight Out of Brisbane) Festival, on here in Brisvegas from December 2nd to the 14th, has a few panel sessions with bloggers Anthony Lowenstein and Tim Blair. Unfortunately, SOOB haven’t taken the opportunity to ask any actual Brisbane bloggers to participate, but the festival still looks like it has lots of interesting things for those interested in politics, the media, culture and the creative industries. The full programme is on the web.
UPDATE: John Quiggin is participating in a SOOB hypothetical on a post-WTO World on Thursday at 11am. It’s at 30 Misterton St (off St Paul’s terrace). I have no idea where that is, so don’t ask me, but apparently you can email for a map.
Hey Mark – just wanted to say thanks for the plug. Sorry about the lack of Brissie bloggers – I just got back from a year overseas & moved to brissie to do the soob ideas program. Still finding my way around the local cene…hopefully I’ll meet lots of you at the fest & will be able to do better next year.
Cheers, Mim.
I deleted the sarcastic post this provoked cos it was cheap and I am only cheap on weekdays.
Seriously, Miriam, I would make it a four person gig and add John Quiggin and Mark Bahnisch.
Thinks. Four white men. Hmmmm…
Thanks David. How do you know I’m white, though? (I am…)
David & Mark
I think you’re both confused. There are only four bloggers in Australia.
1. Tim Blair
2. Margo Kingston (with web diarists)
3. Crikey
4. John Quiggin
I know this because I follow all the most reliable Australian news sources closely and I’ve never seen anyone else mentioned. Barista is a figment of your egomaniacal imagination David.
Clearly Mark is also deluded. That’s not surprising since he thinks his blog is called Troppo.
And I know what you’re all thinking… you’re thinking that I must be an egomaniacal psychotic too. Well that’s where you’re wrong. I don’t exist at all. You’re just imagining me.
My reality testing is fine – I know I’m not real – no ego at all.
Can some entity which doesn’t exist speak the truth?
Don is right about the Tiley ego.
To my shame I don’t have any Queensland women on my blogroll. If I could fly any Australian blogger to a gig in Melbourne it would be Gianna, but she probably wouldn’t come since she tries to maintain the fiction that she is a figment.
p.s. – Troppo is going great guns, probably to the relief of an overworked Ken. I can’t tell you how glad I am this additional energy is happening just when Back Pages shut up shop.
I hope Wendy comes out and about soon. Her voice is a great part of the mix and descants with Sophie.
Thanks again, David. Possibly there is a connection – with Ken tied up with moving and Chris gone off to write his book, we have to feed our blog addiction with our own stuff!
But what about Chrenkoff (
Just in from SOOB – I’ve just received an email from Miriam and looks like John Quiggin was invited a while back and will now be speaking at 11am on Thursday.
I’m a big Barista fan. I don’t understand why more people aren’t reading it.
GO READ BARISTA PEOPLE! (David Tiley’s blog)
As for female bloggers, Gianna is great. I love Helen Smart’s blog too.
There are a whole bunch of blogs I really love reading but don’t link to. It’s mostly because they’re about things that are so different to what I write about.
Don, I’m also a big fan of both Barista and Gianna.
Actually, Miriam invited me a while ago, and I slackly failed to reply. But she’s chased me up and I will be there on Thursday 2nd, 11am in a hypothetical about the world after the WTO.
Also, I agree about the excellence of Gianna, Helen and Barista.