John Quiggin's left wing conservatism Environmentalism has changed the way leftists think about government led social change. Like the natural environment, the social environment is...
'The Soothsayer', Giovanni Batista Piazetta (1683-1754) Or, The Tiny Hendo Hendo doesn't seem to have taken a break for the Christmas season, turning his talents...
I concur wholeheartedly with Scott's condolences for those affected by the terrible tsunamis. I've posted the links for readers in Scott's thread, but I'll repeat...
Via Suzoz at Personal Political, I've just discovered and read this interesting column about raising kids without any religion by Adele Horin in the SMH....
Terrible earthquake in Indonesia has claimed an estimated 14,000 lives although it is quite possible that this number could climb much higher. See Tim Blair...