Or, Should Columnists Condemn Puppet Porn?
Some denizens of the leftish Oz blogosphere heart conservative columnist Andrew Bolt – in a big way. He’s MsFits’ “one true love”. Darlene Taylor has a post entitled “A Quickie with Bolt”.
Jess at Ausculture addresses Andrew thusly –
You could cut the sexual tension between you and the Left with a knife, dude. Seriously.
Of course, we here at Troppo have already linked to the “Single Girl’s Guide to Dating Donald Rumsfeld”, and debated the question of cross-ideological sexual fantasies.
But Jess is onto something. Bolt’s Christmas Eve column must be the silliest yet. Perhaps it’s satire. But it is of interest to note that Bolt agrees with The Devine Miss M that Lefties (or as Bolt puts it, the Groovy Left) will “cringe” at Team America: World Police. Actually, I haven’t seen it but most Groovy Lefties I’ve spoken to had a hoot.
Miranda must have forgotten her strictures about the evils of sex. She’s even prepared to condone “puppet sex” now in the interests of making Groovy Lefties cringe. Come on, Miss M. It’s puppet porn. Say it. You’re contributing to the deformation of a generation, and to the impending downfall of Western Civilisation.
ELSEWHERE: Immanuel Rant has a somewhat more serious look at the Devine Miss M’s latest gambit in the culture wars. Philip Gomes at Citystate suspects Miss M may have joined the South Park Republicans. Senator Andrew Bartlett is also sceptical about Miranda’s sudden infatuation with puppets over at AndrewBartlettOnLine.
JUST IN: Geoff suggests in comments that Miranda may have been swayed by the odd left-wing op/ed filmic puritanism of Clive Hamilton.
FOR RUMSFELD FANS: Jason Soon blogs on Rummy’s poetry over at Catallaxy.
I think it is great the leftish blogosphere has Andrew Bolt and the Devine Miss M as their right-wing lust objects. Both seem like they need a good roll in the hay. I bet Piers Ackerman and Janet Albrechtson are very upset at this turn of events.
Which reminds me that I must stop the trend of somehow linking whatever the Devine Miss M writes about back to sex. People will start to talk!
Maybe, Irant, all Miss M’s columns are about sex.
I must confess I didn’t entirely come clear in the earlier thread. I think Janet Albrechtsen is a hottie.
Rex obviously agreed in this comment:
“- Janet Albrechtson changes her image: After proving herself to be the wacko nutcase of the op-ed pages, and feeling, frankly a bit embarrased by her drivel, she drops the hard-edge horn-rim look, and re-images herself as voluptuous man magnet. This re-positioning allows her to take a role in Rupert’s other papers. An advice column: Ask the Skanky Ho!”
Team America is actually very funny – particularly if you’re a South Park fan. For the sake of balance, Mark, you should really have included the incident that launched a thousand Team America missiles from the Right – David Stratton’s now legendary hissyfit about Team America daring to take the piss out of self-important actpersons. Margaret Pomerantz and I both thought that his was a turn worthy of 5 stars.
Miranda’s sudden sex positivity is disturbing. Maybe she read the dreary Knoxian treatise about the manifest evils of filmic sexual activity that Clive Hamilton recently Op/Ed’d, and realised that she’d been on the wrong track?
Yep, Geoff, David’s hissy fit was a bit ludicrous, to say the least…
I meant to point out as well how silly Clive Hamilton’s piece was but couldn’t find the link. Do you have it?
And of course let’s not mention the censorship of the puppet sex scenes in the US by those very same moral puritans who wish to claim Stone and Parker for their very own. If they keep it up the boys will shortly bite them on the bum.
By the way, re: Clive Hamiltion. Buried in the papers this weekend was a Newspoll confirming the qualified acceptance of porn by Australians, this along with a relaxed attitude on such social hot button issues as abortion only confirm that the right is wrong about a new social conservatism.
personally, I find Janet more doable than Miranda. but that’s just me.
on Clive Hamilton, I guess he doesn’t think that porn leads to happiness. maybe it’s too materialistic.
I’ll test your thesis Mark the next time Miss M goes after Sydney City Council. Maybe she has hidden feelings for Clover Moore?
Janet may find consolation she has part of the Troppo vote in the Right-Wing Hornbag contest. Alas I see no support for Piers yet.
Today’s piece on the Devine Miss M was actually sparked by the article that Phil mentioned. I was going to use it as a hook but got hooked on hooking up instead.
Irant’s comment reminds me that I’m only interested in hooking up with Janet. I can’t see her having the relationship skills or emotional intelligence for anything long term. though if she does, and we were to have kids (strokes chin, imagines, hmmm)…
Actually the whole sex positive trend amongst the conservative hotties goes much deeper, I actually did something like where this thread is going as my last post of the year http://http://citystate.reger.com/entry-logid6006-eventid23684-Amandas-bestial-writing.log. I swear on a stack of Kinsey Reports that Amanda Fairweather is a nom de plume for Miranda Devine, read it and see.
Apologies for spruiking an old post.
Yeah, Phil, I saw it. Tends to confirm my view that most stuff framed in terms of “generations” is complete rubbish.
yellowvinyl, how dare you mention a long term relationship. Hooking up is what it is all about these days.
And Phil, I think you are on the money.
I think there’s a double http in the link Phil’s posted so here it is again:
anyone check out the link at the bottom of phil’s post (excuse my pun) –
intriguing – could this really be Andrew Bolt’s blog?
Team America is actually very funny — particularly if you’re a South Park fan.
I thought the opposite. The jokes were slower and thinner than the South Park movie, and far too much attention was paid to Hollywood. It felt like a half-hour episode stretched to fill a movie.
The vomit scene was a stroke of genius, though.
yellowvinyl, that blog’s a product of Pandagate — which is, of course, one of the reasons Bolt is an obsession of the Left blogosphere.
I’m still tossing up whether to risk his wrath and add a chapter to that saga.
In case yellowvinyl or any other newer readers are wondering, Rob has the definitive archive on Pandagate at Kick & Scream:
gosh, how can the blogs top pandagate this year?
Andy’s performances this year have been worthy of song. (Maybe not that one, but still.)
ps Mark, please stop linking to MelbourneLefty. To my embarassment, it’s been replaced by a phone sex peddler now… (AnonymousLefty hasn’t.)
MrLefty, I’ve just emailed you. I can’t change the code in the links – as Ken’s off in the non-net world, I’ve suggested that Scott might be able to update the link.
Bolty’s column is pure insanity! I love Jess’ take on it…
Agreed yellow, Jess’ writing on the media and politics is as sharp as her writing on pop culture…