Craig Emerson has worked out how to restore Labor’s economic credibility. The Buddhist Way.
ELSEWHERE: Robert Merkel at The Road to Benambra dissects Emerson.
Craig Emerson has worked out how to restore Labor’s economic credibility. The Buddhist Way.
ELSEWHERE: Robert Merkel at The Road to Benambra dissects Emerson.
Craig is getting in a little early.
To-day is the 26th day of the 11th moon of the Year of the Monkey.
Chinese New Year (the second new moon after Christmas)falls on 9 February. Then it will be the Year of the Rooster.
As a semi-Buddhist, I found this a fascinating article. It even seems to make sense from a political point of view. However the essay is limited to economics — which is not the be-all and end-all of society.
I agree largely with Merkel’s take on this.
BTW have I been banned from commenting on this site? I can’t access comments, except as here where I can in via a trackback link.
ANyone else had problems?? Or am I banned?
You haven’t been banned Martin. I can’t comment on TA from my computer at home (unless I remote access my work computer from my home computer and do it that way) and I’m ostensibly a contributor. A number of people have had similar problems and Scott Wickstein has gone to the edge of madness trying to fix it.
EP, what do you mean by “semi-Buddhist”?
Martin, try a couple of things:
(a) hit the date stamp instead of the comments box.
(b) click on the “most recent comments” link.
(c) try a browser other than IE. The comments box seems to open in every other browser.
The same thing happened with EP and Norman Anscombe encountered it as well.
EP figured a way through – try emailing him?
I’m clueless when it comes to tech stuff and I don’t have access to anything on the site bar my own posts. It sounds like from what people are saying that there may have been a string in one comment that alerted the MT-Blacklist thingy. But I really don’t know.
Scott’s email address can be found at
Zoe, by “semi-Buddhist” I mean that, out of the mahor religions, I am closest to believing in the tenets of Buddhism — Theravada in particular.
To the people who have had trouble commenting — are you using a software firewall, particularly Norton Internet Security? If so, the privacy settings on the firewall will prevent you posting comments on this site. I just found out how to fix this today.
If uyou have Norton Internet Security, try disabling the “Privacy” section temporarily, and see if this cures your problem. If it does, then you can change the settings to fix it permanently for this site, without affecting your firewall in any other way.
One other suggestion: try clicking on the story permalink (which brings up the comments). That seems to work for me.
Hey, me too, EP. I wrote a little bit about it after the election at
“I am closest to believing in the tenets of Buddhism”
Correct me if I’m wrong here Evil Pee, but I don’t recall the many paths towards becoming a Boddishatva as including taking the road of savage, unfounded and ill-mannered attacks on those that may disagree with your view of world.
(Think of me as your attack Bonze here.)
Then it’s a good thing I never indulge in savage, unfounded and ill-mannered attacks on those that may disagree with my view of world. My gentle urgings towards enlightenment are delivered purely as a means of assistance towards the surmounting of political error and the attainment of higher knowledge.
Thanks, Zoe. I’ve been to some medium-strict Vipassana retreats where we don’t dance to Bob Marley. :)
I recommend the version with Bob Marley.
I recommend the version with Bob Marley.
I recommend the version with Bob Marley. It’s gruelling enough already.
I recommend attending Vipassa retreats to develop patience. I also recommend not having the world’s slowest dial-up.
It’s pure poetry.
I recommend the version with Bob Marley
I recommend the version with Bob Marley
I recommend the version with Bob Marley
It’s gruelling enough already.
nabby, it just goes to show that some people who profess to be buddhists are those who need it the most
Craig Emerson – friend of the rich and powerful
Mark at Troppo Armadillo seems to like Labor’s Craig Emerson’s