Troppo Armadillos have been sceptical about Latho’s leadership future since the election. In November, I asked if Latho would be home by Christmas, or at the latest by February. Chief Armadillo Ken Parish (presently on walkabout somewhere in the Deep South according to dispatches) was taking odds on six months back in October.
The latest news in the papers doesn’t clarify much. Certainly, the ALP is not impressing with its now customary routine of the usual leaking, positioning and griping. However, Laurie Oakes tonight speculated that Latho had had “grim news” about his health and may stand down on Friday. I’m very sorry to hear his health continues poor, but as I’ve consistently said, I think Labor needs a new leader. Oakes is often well-informed, and we’ll know soon enough. The field according to Oakes was Rudd, the Beazer, the Glimmer Twins, Tanner and Julia Gillard. You can probably subtract the Glimmer Twins if the Beazer positions himself at the starting gate.
I’d vote for Julia myself.
UPDATE: From The Australian:
Supporters of Mr Beazley’s previous bid are suspicious that the Latham camp is trying to buy time — as former leader Simon Crean did during the 2003 challenge — either to flush out candidates or build support for Ms Gillard. It is believed some supporters of Mr Crean may also favour Ms Gillard.
Julia’d be wonderful. love to see her take Howard on.
I cant see her winning the position. Even if she did, there is no way she would be able to form an opposition capable of taking on Howard with a reasonable shot at winning in time for the next election. I dont believe she has what it takes – at least not yet.
Id much prefer Beazley, but hes not a contender due to health issues.
Julia’s big problem is her factional affiliation. Tanner, too. But I’d love to see her have a go.
Looks like Latham is dead in the water, and the sharks are circling. Rudd with Gillard as a real (read visible) Veep is my preferred ticket.
Oh Gawd.
Professor Higgins! Paging Professor Higgins!
Not a big fan of Rudd either, hes very unpopular with both the electorate and the party.
Yeah Mark, thats another issue with her. It would be nice to see her go head to head with Howard, but I dont think its in the best interests of the party, and Howard has to be beaten.
As JG Ballard once said about Margaret Thatcher. “The first political leader of modern ties I could perosnally imagine having sex with.”
Of course, I’m no JG Ballard. But Jules is no Maggie either, thank god.
I’ve met her a couple of times and I have to say she’s a pollie first and a human being second (as are most of ’em). But she’s got a sense of humour, is definitely not a two pot screamer and she smells nice.
“Oh Gawd. Professor Higgins! Paging Professor Higgins!”
That’s bit snide and elitist CL. You rather she sounded like Bronny or Sophie “Uptown Girl” Panopoulos?
I met Julia at a party in Carleton in 88. She was a formidable but engaging presence even back then. Met Sophie P at the same time at an NUS meeting but ended up going drinking with the CPA girls – they were much better company…
I cant figure out why Mark L hasnt put out a standard statment on the disasters and the SA bushfires. Pretty bloody easy to do even if you are dying. 10 mins in front of camera in jason recliner rocker in jamas or smoking jacket with loving family around, bottle of Lucuzade in hand (filled with laudenaum). Croak out support for all australians efforts, support PM and troops, thank australians for their generousity, and send message of sympathy to countries effected.
On the other hand if hes been getting a free run at the pethidine and hitting himself up every hour or so with pure stuff and nodding off then maybe hes not ready to be in front of cameras.
Me I love Rudd but I suspect he doesnt play well in Caroline Springs and Patterson Lakes.
Julie for Leader Rudd for rudder.
Yes Nab, it’s not as though anyone ever snobbily ridiculed Howard’s appearance, voice, syntax, or made spurious references to his suburban professional background…
…or anything.
Sexually attractive? Only if you’ve been way down on your luck, been spurned by everyone and are categorically desperate…
…oh wait.
“Yes Nab, it’s not as though anyone ever snobbily ridiculed Howard’s appearance, voice, syntax, or made spurious references to his suburban professional background…”
Well since I never have (go ahead google/search sites where I comment), that point is pointless for me.
However, you seem ready enough to jeer at Jules on the same terms.
And why not give us an example of what yer scoring these days so we all know what we’re missing out on?
Fuck, look at the level your commentary now drags everything down to these days. “You only go out with ugly chicks, nyah! nyah!”
I didn’t say YOU had made any such references to Howard and it wasn’t me who introduced tangential commentary about Julia’s sex appeal.
Er, that was you in fact.
We have a sense of humour disconnect Nab. It happens.
I don’t mind Julia G. at all.
Homer Ill go with the “Rudd for rudder”, I dont think he can do the top job himself – barring a massive change of heart in the electorate.
Oh I think Julia gets the ol’ Mad Monk hot and bothered and that’s all that matters in politics.
Rudd/Gillard on some joint ticket. I’d like to say Australia is ready to consider a female PM but I don’t think I can, so I’d go Gillard as Rudder. And ask Rudd to cut back on the old jock jokes with Hockey. Both to keep their portfolios if possible.
Would reconsider the Beezer but not until whoever is giving him advice on doorstops and soundgrabs is sacked. Otherwise he’d be gone again before he was in. In fact, I think he’s gone.
How refreshing to hear a female politician discussed without mention of rooting.
Well done, chaps.
I don’t know a huge amount about Julia, except that she has a bit of Welsh passion in her veins, and passion is something Labor has needed for a long time.
I do know that she has humbled Abbott more than once. Despite his Mad Monk reputation, Abbott is among the sharpest in the Liberal team. She also made a mess of Ruddock who has been in decline ever since.
That would suggest she’s got what it takes. So if Latham can’t deliver, she’d be the next best thing.
“Well done, chaps.”
I’m planning to write something based on Julia Baird’s book ‘Media Tarts: How the Australian Press Frames Female Politicians’, Zoe, so I’ll have something to say about this then.
In the meantime, you might like to have a read of this post:
People with short memories.
john howard became Oppo leader not because he was attractive or had new policies or the public prefered him to Keating, quite the opposite in fact, burt becassue he was essentially the last maan standing in the Liberal party at the time who could be leader.
Despite all the air he hasn’t been a bad PM but neither has he been outstanding.
It is a myth that a party needs some charismatic messiah to lead them to government as howard shows.
Gillard is my type of leftwinger. She is a rightwinger who calls herself a leftwinger.
She is deadly in parliament.
One small question. Who is the stunned child behind her in the photograph?
David – that’s Christian Zahra – a 20 something Victorian MP – I think from memory he lost his seat in the election but I’m open to correction.
Yeah, he lost.
I look forward to reading your post about Baird’s book, Mark. I heard her discussing it a couple of times on the radio and it sounds interesting.
It’s an excellent read, Zoe, a bit of a page turner in fact (just like those LBJ biographies!).
nic white- it was me who said Rudd for Rudder. You’ve called me Homer. I’ve never been so insulted in my life.
Is there a troppo Equal Opp Commission or complaints Ombudspersona?
zoe – you have a one track mind – and its a dirt track. But now that you mentioned it……mmh
The ALP sure needs something even to be an effective opposition, let alone a viable alternative government. I don’t think that Gillard is it, she comes across as a factional hack (although she is less one than most), and is all hard edges on TV. Rudd might be a decent leader, but how likely is he to get factional support? The real problem is that the overall paucity of talent on that front bench.
Francis for a short time you acquired some musical taste!
FXH I grovel in mortification.
Latho’s put out his statement. doesn’t really say much about the seriousness of his illness. staying on sick leave til 26/1. I get the impression he’s still pondering leaving.
Jenny Macklin takes over as acting leader tomorrow. that’s the last we’ll hear from the ALP for a bit, then…
Fin had a big feature article (online for subscribers only) which basically ran the line that Latho was finished health concerns or not. It backed up the suggestion that Creanites are playing for time hoping to get Julia up. Also raised the possibility of the field not narrowing (particularly if Beazley stays out) and thus becoming harder to pick. The AFR is pushing Beazley as a unifying stopgap.
The C-M’s been declaring Latho’s leadership over for a few days.
I think late last year Saint made the point that Latho couldn’t survive constant negative publicity. The amount of briefing’s surely reached a crescendo bigger than ever happened under Crean.
Todays Latham (non) performance simply pathetic and inexusable.
1 Julia 2 Rudd
FXH, you love to kick at something lying on the floor, don’t you. The whole Latham, he just don’t care about tsunami victims idea, as put out by Howard/Downer for political pt scoring was business as usual politics. But to keep up with the slur when the issue is now academic & the man is finished is declasse.
1 Rudd 2 Gillard
“It is a myth that a party needs some charismatic messiah to lead them to government as Howard shows.”
The ALP has no choice now anyway, so here’s hoping.
Are you all on drugs?
The tropp-armadillians are backing Julia Gillard for leader, with Mark Latham still sick. Tasteful, guys.
Perhaps there should be some clarification of reality. Julia Gillard is in the Left faction. The leader, since the solidification of the factio…
Lyrically Favoured Only
The Beatles said it bestHalf of what I say is meaningless, But I say it just to reach you, JuliaSo…
It’s Time… for Gilly!
Julia Gillard
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