Problems Posting Comments

If anyone’s still having difficulties posting a comment, it’s probably because of an issue to do with the way your firewall interacts with our site. Please refer to this thread for information as to how to configure your settings to avoid this issue. As is well known, Troppo is the home of free speech and civil discourse and nobody is banned from posting comments. Hopefully, on the return of Troppo‘s Dear Leader and Chief Armadillo, it’ll be possible to put in place a more elegant and permanent solution to this issue.

If the problem’s not with your firewell, it’s worth trying this. IE users might find this helpful if clicking on the comments box produces an error message:

(a) click on the date stamp at the bottom of the post instead; or –

(b) click on the link under “most recent comments” or “recent entries” or through the archives or categories links.

Both of these will enable you to access comments threads unless there’s some other problem.

But you should note that every other browser works fine, and give Microsoft software the flick!

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2025 years ago

But you should note that every other browser works fine, and give Microsoft software the flick!

Actually, that’s not true. I was having the same problem on Mozilla and on Firefox until I sorted out the Norton Internet Security configuration. But now it’s fixed. Not that there aren’t a hundred other good reasons to switch from IE to something better :)

David Tiley
2025 years ago

Given the logic that’s being voided by PP McGuinness at the moment, the fact that Dear Leader did not go down on his knees weeping at Darwin airport over the Tsunami clearly means he is chained to the wall and howling at the moon.

Does this mean you are going to have a leadership spill?

2025 years ago

firewalls and foxes

A Sydney correspondent informs me that he cannot comment here regardless of the old browser thing of having to access comments via the permalink. News to me. It seems that some people may strike a Firewall problem at Ubersportingpundit blogs,…