Politics - national Uncategorised Uncategorized From Out of the Past Mark Bahnisch January 21, 2005 ...comes Chris Sheil at BackPages, with a momentary Friday night return to blogging to endorse Ruddy for leader (and Julia for Rudder if there's a...
Politics - national Uncategorized With Friends Like These… Mark Bahnisch January 21, 2005 Good to hear from the inimitable Laurie Ferguson that Gilly isn't "just a trendy commodity". "She's actually intelligent, articulate and strong-minded", Ferguson opined. Ferguson also...
Uncategorized Lucky, eh? Wayne Wood January 21, 2005 I find that, with advancing years, my short term memory is fading; it's getting more and more difficult to remember what I did a year...
Life Uncategorised Uncategorized External Locus of Control Mark Bahnisch January 21, 2005 My name's Mark and I'm a blogoholic. Well, I'm not drinking any grog, have just decided to change the "go out once a week" rule...