…comes Chris Sheil at BackPages, with a momentary Friday night return to blogging to endorse Ruddy for leader (and Julia for Rudder if there’s a Deputy spill) with the persuasive argument and fine political reasoning that made BackPages the doyen of blogosphere political commentary. Good to see you back, Chris, if only for a quick intervention.
In light of this event, I’m temporarily suspending the two posts a day rule to direct any BackPages alumni over to Chris’ place for a reunion.
I see nobody even bothered hassling you for this one. Well, it’s a lost cause, anyway … anyone who can use the concepts “persuasive argument” and “fine political reasoning”. In the same sentence. As “Chris Shiel”, is beyond persuasion.
So why bother?
No more Mr Nice Guy
What a great way to start the weekend!
Christopher Sheil of the famous Backpages blog has come out of ‘blog retirement’ to post on why he thinks Kevin Rudd should win the ALP leadership over Kim Beazley.
Thanks to Mark Bahnisch at Troppo Armadi…