Foreign Aid Blog-Style

As a follow up to his last commentathon, which raised over 2k for the tsunami disaster relief fund, John Quiggin has opened another comments thread – this time he is donating $1 for every comment up to 1000 to Medecins Sans Frontieres, with a preference for the money to go towards The Global Fund to fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. As with John’s laudable last effort, you can also offer to match him at any percentage per comment (ie 5c, 50c etc) if you wish. I did this last time, but unfortunately as I’m not working at the moment til I finish my PhD and living off my (diminishing) savings I can’t afford to this time, but I’ll be over there in a flash to make a comment. I urge Troppo readers to do so too.

The commentathon closes at 6pm Sunday Queensland time (AEST).

NOTE: No comments on this post – if you feel the urge to say something, do so at John’s place and help this worthy cause! I’m sure the Troppo standards of baroque opera discussion, multi-choice quizzes on Hayek, and disputation over the contribution of Quadrant to ending the Cold War could easily be carried on at JQ’s thread.