Looks like Troppo was right to place Saintinastraitjacket in the “centrist” category on the blogroll – he’s done the Moral Politics Test and scored the perfectly centrist position. It’s a better test than some, and one of the fun things is that you get compared with US Presidents and 2004 Presidential candidates. I’m Jimmy Carter (85.85% match) and Ralph Nader (93.37% match). Go visit DogFightatBankstown and give it a go.
ELSEWHERE: Carita did both the short and long tests at Manas. She and I are both Carter/Naders.
bill Clinton and moderate liberalism was my outcome.
You should steer clear of killer rabbits, Mark :)
I’d rather have been Bill C ahead of Jimmy – but FDR, LBJ or JFK would have been more to my liking :)
I scored -4 on the Moral Order axis and -2.5 on the Moral Rules axis, It appears liberalism is my thing and as a result I went all the way with LBJ 96.88% of the time.
My scores…
Your Score
Your scored -0.5 on the Moral Order axis and -7.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Liberalism
Variation: Economic Liberalism
Ideologies: Ultra Liberalism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Ronald Reagan (87.12%)
2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (73.30%), George W. Bush (73.30%), Ralph Nader (55.26%)
Given that Kerry and Bush got exactly the same score to my views tells you all you need to know about the worth of this test.
I too have doubts about the value of this test but for what it’s worth I’m Jerry Ford
Your scored -0.5 on the Moral Order axis and -1 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Liberalism
Variation: Moderate Liberalism
Ideologies: Capital Democratism
US Parties: Democratic Party
Presidents: Gerald Ford (90.89%)
2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (88.10%), Ralph Nader (74.14%), George W. Bush (69.94%)
Here’s my full score:
Your scored -6 on the Moral Order axis and 2.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Moral Socialism
Ideologies: Activism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (85.85%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (93.37%), John Kerry (76.10%), George W. Bush (41.16%)
Glad to see there’s almost 60% of difference with W.
This test struck me as even sillier than most such quizzes. I stopped after the first 6 questions, because none of the multiple choice alternatives even vaguely approximated my views or position (except for question 1 where “there may be a God” comes at least relatively close to my view). I began simply checking the box for questions that you find confusing, but almost the entire test would have been that answer. And even it is misleading. I didn’t find any of the questions or answers confusing; I just found them simplistic and not representative of my views. Did anyone else have this reaction? I really can’t see why anyone would bother to undertake this test. Jason says he has “doubts” about its value. I have none at all. It’s complete crap.
Now you’ve upset him. He’s devastated, can’t even answer the questions! Not US President material. It’s going to take at least until Thursday before he recovers from this one. So can you see the flow on effect of your PhD avoidance?
This is Mark adhering to his onerous and self-imposed PhD work ethic.
Go to office, switch on aircon, sip coffee in front of computer, finish coffee, need a stretch, so off to the internet cafe down the road for a fix. Make excuses and home to the warm, inviting, internet connection of choice.
jen, you forgot go outside for a smoke.
In contrast to Ken’s experience, I found that most of the questions offered me a response I was happy with…
ps – PhD office thing starts tomorrow!
Your scored 4 on the Moral Order axis and -5.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
* System: Conservatism
* Variation: Economic Conservatism, Extreme Conservatism
* Ideologies: Conservative NeoLiberalism
* US Parties: Republican Party
* Presidents: George W. Bush (95.06%)
* 2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (95.06%), John Kerry (65.41%), Ralph Nader (47.29%)
Of the 36220 people who took the test:
* 0.4% had the same score as you.
* 78.2% were above you on the chart.
* 16.9% were below you on the chart.
* 7.2% were to your right on the chart.
* 90.3% were to your left on the chart.
Your scored 2 on the Moral Order axis and -5 on the Moral Rules axis.
System: Conservatism
Variation: Economic Conservatism
Ideologies: Capital Republicanism, Conservative NeoLiberalism
US Parties: Republican Party
Presidents: Richard Nixon (97.79%)
Nixon!? Should I be concerned by this?
It seems I’m a socialist and got a result similar to Mark’s. Viva La Revolution!
Your Score
Your scored -4.5 on the Moral Order axis and 3.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Moral Socialism
3. Ideologies: Social Democratism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (84.38%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (87.12%), John Kerry (74.81%), George W. Bush (43.66%)
Of the 36255 people who took the test:
1. 0.7% had the same score as you.
2. 7% were above you on the chart.
3. 89.3% were below you on the chart.
4. 79.6% were to your right on the chart.
5. 14.2% were to your left on the chart.
Reading the comments after the test I tend to agree with Ken that questions tend be simplistic. There is tendency to force a compromise that didn’t accurately reflect my views.
But some fun for Sunday arvo.
My views are similar to Kens except I finished it.
I got 3 for Moral Order and 0 for Moral Rule and I was similar to George.H. Bush
Here are my results, just to add to range. I always thought JC was a good guy, especially after he left office.
The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Moderate Socialism
Ideologies: Social Democratism
US Parties: Democratic Party
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (95.06%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (88.95%), John Kerry (86.56%), George W. Bush (54.02%)
Of the 36256 people who took the test:
1.2% had the same score as you.
22.9% were above you on the chart.
69.9% were below you on the chart.
71.8% were to your right on the chart.
20.4% were to your left on the chart.
The test gives a spread of results, which is, I suppose not to confirm, that it is either valid or reliable.
0.5 on the Moral Order axis and -5.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
1. System: Conservatism
2. Variation: Economic Conservatism
3. Ideologies: Conservative NeoLiberalism
4. US Parties: Republican Party
5. Presidents: Ronald Reagan (93.01%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (79.99%), John Kerry (78.12%), Ralph Nader (59.38%)
Woot! I’m the Gipper!
The test is bollocks, but I think it’s kind of cool I’m Bill Clinton.
At least I’m better looking than those of you who managed to be Carter.
The test is bollocks, but I think it’s kind of cool I’m Bill Clinton.
At least I’m better looking than those of you who managed to be Carter.
The following items best match your score:
1. System: Conservatism
2. Variation: Moderate Conservatism
3. Ideologies: Capital Republicanism
4. US Parties: Republican Party
5. Presidents: Gerald Ford (87.50%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (77.90%), John Kerry (77.47%), Ralph Nader (63.56%)
Damn, I’m a moderate!
Your scored 0.5 on the Moral Order axis and -8 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Conservatism
Variation: Economic Conservatism
Ideologies: Ultra Capitalism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Ronald Reagan (88.95%)
2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (76.10%), John Kerry (69.30%), Ralph Nader (50.94%)
Don’t get too downhearted. You were probably feeling atypically mellow on a leisurely Sunday afternoon. If you do it again when you’re back in the ratrace tomorrow, I’m sure you’ll be right up/down there with Sam Ward and Ronnie Raygun. Anyway, how do they work out that Ronnie was more Capital C Conservative than George W Bush? It looks more and more suss the more I look at it.
Just because I dont believe that water can run uphill I’m denounced as a BushHitlerite;
The following items best match your score:
* System: Conservatism
* Variation: Moral Conservatism
* Ideologies: PaleoConservatism
* US Parties: Republican Party
* Presidents: George W. Bush (90.12%), George H. Bush (90.12%)
* 2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (90.12%), John Kerry (59.98%), Ralph Nader (44.10%)
So now I’m a PaleoConservatist; that makes the rest of you a truly revolting bunch.
So now I know the test is really crap. As a social/economic liberal, member of the Liberal party and supporter of Reagan, this is what I scored:
The following items best match your score:
1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Moderate Socialism
3. Ideologies: Social Democratism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (88.73%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (87.12%), John Kerry (79.99%), George W. Bush (49.90%)
Oh the shame of it…..!
Never too late to bring your politics into line with your ethics, Antonio :) Left Wing Love Beasts will welcome you!
“Now you’ve upset him. He’s devastated, can’t even answer the questions! Not US President material.”
Actually that’s probably not half-wrong. Most successful US President material probably wouldn’t even have a quarter of Parish’s sense of nuance, which makes it so difficult for him to do these quizzes.
Weird. I had one try before having to go out and from memory scored -2.5 and -1.5. Since I didn’t have time for the details, I tried the test later and came up with -2.5 and zero.
In both tests my all-time Prez was Jimmy Carter, and my current election Kerry. Wrong on both counts! I’d prefer FDR and LBJ, and currently Nader (even knowing there’s no pref system in the US).
And I’m a bit concerned about this terminology moral order and moral rules. Who sets these? Jerry Falwell? In that case, it seems I’m part of the Immoral Majority.
Like Ken and Scott, I think it’s bunkum.
Weird. I had one try before having to go out and from memory scored -2.5 and -1.5. Since I didn’t have time for the details, I tried the test later and came up with -2.5 and zero.
In both tests my all-time Prez was Jimmy Carter, and my current election Kerry. Wrong on both counts! I’d prefer FDR and LBJ, and currently Nader (even knowing there’s no pref system in the US).
And I’m a bit concerned about this terminology moral order and moral rules. Who sets these? Jerry Falwell? In that case, it seems I’m part of the Immoral Majority.
Like Ken and Scott, I think it’s bunkum.
Sorry about the double up. First signal was that it hadn’t gone through.
Well, I did the test twice.
I’m a 100% match with Reagan.
I only took the short version, but apparently I’m a Nazi … and George H. Bush.
Says it all about the value of the test, really.
Your Score
Your scored 6 on the Moral Order axis and 6 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Authoritarianism
Variation: Extreme Authoritarianism
Ideologies: National Socialism, Nationalism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: George H. Bush (54.93%)
2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (51.19%), John Kerry (46.78%), Ralph Nader (42.55%)
Of the 38203 people who took the test:
0.4% had the same score as you.
0% were above you on the chart.
95.9% were below you on the chart.
0.9% were to your right on the chart.
94.2% were to your left on the chart.
yeah that is ridiculous.
in conservative Republican circles Bush I is regarded as one of those out of fashion, wet Rockefeller Republicans.
“I’m Jimmy Carter (85.85% match) and Ralph Nader (93.37% match)”
This is fine and good in a blogger and many maybe even most other things too, Mark. Absolutely shithouse in a President though.
Oh well,
Your scored 3 on the Moral Order axis and -3 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
System: Conservatism
Variation: Moderate Conservatism
Ideologies: Capital Republicanism
US Parties: Republican Party
Presidents: George H. Bush (93.75%)
2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (87.50%), John Kerry (73.12%), Ralph Nader (56.47%)
Of the 38266 people who took the test:
0.4% had the same score as you.
65.7% were above you on the chart.
28.6% were below you on the chart.
9.9% were to your right on the chart.
86.2% were to your left on the chart.
Heh – I scored almost exactly the same as evilpundit, which is a little odd for a fellow who keeps getting accused of being a rabid lefty on various right wing sites (I guess they didn’t ask me here whether I thought that leaders should generally attempt to tell the truth or whether I thought a religious crusade was an effective way to reduce the threat of Islamic extremism).
The oddest thing about my result (at least superficially) was that although I was scored as a moderate conservative and a Republican, my closest presidential candidate was John Kerry. But I don’t actually think that’s as weird as it sounds if you actually look at what each candidate believes.
Where did you go, Gerald Ford … ?
“This is fine and good in a blogger and many maybe even most other things too, Mark. Absolutely shithouse in a President though.”
True, true, James. I’d much rather have been FDR (or LBJ or JFK or Bill C in that order). Until the Schwarzenegger amendment passes though, I have no hope of running for President.
Sorry Mark, if the bill passes I’m voting for Arnie.
You got it all wrong, Yobbo. I’m running for Governor of California when Arnie runs for Prez…
Well I got -6 on the Moral Order and 2 on the MOral Rules. AS it says
The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Moral Socialism
Ideologies: Activism
US Parties: Green Party
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (87.50%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (95.58%), John Kerry (77.90%), George W. Bush (42.38%)
Of the 42121 people who took the test:
2.3% had the same score as you.
10.7% were above you on the chart.
77.3% were below you on the chart.
90.4% were to your right on the chart.
1.3% were to your left on the chart
I guess that’s why I’m a gay biblical scholar out to queer the Virgin Mary
Oh yes, I was only able to take the short test. The long one wouldn;t let me get to the results
Oh yes, I was only able to take the short test. The long one wouldn’t let me get to the results
On the short test, my president was Bill Clinton. On the long test, my president was Ronald Reagan.
I’m more inclined with the latter.
You better start work on that Green Card then Mark.
You’ve got to love these political philosophy map-thingys
Moral politics asseses your political ideology based on your personal moral philosophy, which is itself tested by 16 (or 2, in the short test) questions about life. And then compares you to US Presidents and 2004 candidates. Look’s like Jimmy Carter’…