WA Election: Of Canals and Fluoridisation

The WA election is tomorrow. I haven’t been following it, so will make no predictions. However, there are certainly national implications – the rise of the Beazer was said to be essential to Labor’s prospects for re-election, and if the Coalition are elected, it might be interesting to observe if the Howardians alter their “all power to Canberra” strategy.

Rob Corr has been following the campaign closely at Kick & Scream, pausing only to observe that fluoridation in Queensland would turn kids into communists. True, true, Rob, and though we don’t have daylight saving either, we can go shopping on Sundays. Nic White, as well as providing coverage at 52nd State, also has the ultimate roundup of the campaign at a dedicated blog. Yobbo, meanwhile is not sure he’s going to vote at all.

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2025 years ago

There are Libs in WA who hate Barnett so much, they hope they lose.

2025 years ago

You know why Queenslanders don’t have daylight saving, don’t you ?

2025 years ago

On costing water projects, here is a linnk to a nice obituary of Bruce Davidson who pioneered the proper costing of irrigation schemes and crossed swords with Premier Court over the Ord Project.

Nic White
2025 years ago

Woodsy, do you know how hot it gets in WA?

Mark Bahnisch
2025 years ago

The oddest thing I heard about the WA Libs was the choice of “Suicide is Painless” as the song to be played at their campaign launch…

2025 years ago

Yes Nic I do, in fact I think the worst climate in Australia is the Kimberly, where it gets light at 5am, reaches 35C and 95% humidity by 9am in the wet. Regarding daylight saving in QUEENSLAND, it’s likely to be introduced next year. So the story goes, “Jo thought the sun shone out of his arse and he wasn’t getting up an hour earlier for nobody”.

Looking at the poor old bastard now, he’s not long for this world. I don’t really understand these religious types. Especially the Pope (who else would be guaranteed to sit on the right hand of God in heaven?), why do they make such heroic efforts to stay alive ? You’d think they’d be champing at the bit to get aloft! But no! It seems the higher in the religious hierarchy, the less keen they are to meet their maker. What does that say about faith?

Mark Bahnisch
2025 years ago

“Regarding daylight saving in QUEENSLAND, it’s likely to be introduced next year”

Not so sure about that Woodsy, Beattie was denouncing it as an evil Canberra inspired plot only today in the paper.