Films and TV A glimpse into early French ‘talkies’.. Sophie Masson April 30, 2005 Recently, I've been doing a lot of research on early French 'Talkie' films, not only as background for my 1930's crime series, which has a...
Print media A few words about American talk radio (and related topics) Don Arthur April 30, 2005 In this month's Atlantic Monthly David Foster Wallace has a long article on Los Angeles talk radio host John Ziegler. DFW (as fans like to...
Environment A nuclear power hypothetical Ken Parish April 29, 2005 This post is inspired by a suggestion from reader Steve on my previous post about serious playfulness as a way of promoting constructive blog debate....
Uncategorised Serious playfulness at the brain gym Ken Parish April 29, 2005 I initially posted the following as a comment to my recent post on global warming. But I think it's worth creating a separate discussion thread:...
Uncategorized Dr Jayant Patel: Butcher of Bundaberg Hostpital Nicholas Gruen April 29, 2005 Writing my column I try to follow a fairly standard formula editors seem to really want this of commenting on topical events. Sometimes I find...
Uncategorized If You Haven’t Got Anything Nice to Say – Sit Down Here Geoff Honnor April 27, 2005 The art of the obit is a tricky one and potential exponents have had a field day recently what with Joh - a unique amalgam...
Uncategorized Cognitive dissonance Ken Parish April 26, 2005 Cognitive dissonance and its subset confirmation bias are behaviours of which all of us are guilty, probably more often that we like to admit even...