How do they do this?

I never cease to be amazed at how, with only a few questions, the quizilla people seem to get it so right. Or perhaps they simply feed back what we want to hear.
From Timbuktu to Tijuana, you know all about world culture and politics. You’ve seen it all, and what you haven’t seen, you watched on one of the “smart people channels.” Your friends tell you that you should run for governor. What people love: You’ve always got a great story to tell. What people hate: You make them feel like ignorant plebians. Sometimes you slip and CALL them plebians.

What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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2025 years ago

Same… I dare say that many Troppo readers would fall into this category?

2025 years ago

I came out as a book and language snob, predictably enough.

2025 years ago

Me too, Rob. We must stop insulting people’s paperbacks.

2025 years ago

Tried again and this time came out as (I think) a ‘Musical provenu’.

Shouldn’t that be parvenu? Which probably goes to prove it was right the first time.

Jason Soon
2025 years ago

i’m a music snob

Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
2025 years ago

“Book and Langauge Slob (oops a bit Freudian) Snob”. I knew from the questions I was heading that way but I could have ticked several boxes as in some instances as musical taste is also an important prerequisite. Would love to be a traveler also but that is many years away from being affordable unless I stowaway.

Andrew Frazer
Andrew Frazer
2025 years ago

Book and language snob. Disturbingly accurate assessment.

stephen Hill
stephen Hill
2025 years ago

Oops one too many “as”es in that second sentence makes me look like an ass. If I wasn’t temporally challenged I would use the preview function but then “language speaks” in strange and mysterious ways. And I blog spontaneous, even if that unintentionally leads to me hitting a couple of dud notes along the way.

David Tiley
2025 years ago

Fine art and decor.

The last line – “people have to clean their houses after you have called” means they must have been tracking me with a hidden camera.

I think anyone can be a quizilla person. It’s an application.

Oh no, I’ve just pointed that out to a bunch of book snobs..

2025 years ago

They spelled ‘pedant’ wrong on question number 7.

And how annoying is it no being able to select multiple answers. (F) All of the above.

2025 years ago

I find it annoying that in these types of quizzes I often have to select an answer that I don’t really agree with because it’s the least wrong of the choices.

How do I open the conversation on a (rare) date – by wondering if my toddler will sleep for the babysitter or if I will have to take home the main course in a doggy bag.

What do I look at in a new person’s place – how much damage could a toddler do if I wasn’t looking?

I agree I’m probably closest to a book and language snob as predicted, but sometimes it would be nice to be able to say ‘Yeah, thats me all right’.

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

B&L – and I agree with Mindy.

David Tiley
2025 years ago

Of course. Quizilla is a bit of fun. Trouble is, underlying the giggle is the fact that a good questionairre is bloody hard to develop. So these are essentially fake.

So we are left with a question – given that Quizilla is an application which anyone can plug into, can someone do a good Australian one?

Like, for instance, which politician are you, with a database of our more colourful exponents of the art? Or, which Governor? Or which Prime Minister? There were plenty of reprobates before Menzies..

2025 years ago

Thinking about it, I’d hope to god the burgler stole my ten year old cab sav – at least it would show they had standards!

I’d hate to be robbed by a pleb.

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

Every time I stupidly swallow the bait and look at one of these fuckwitted quizzes, I end up depressed and irritated in equal measure, and fighting off the unavoidable conclusion that I’m an increasingly crotchety, humourless old fart. I mean, I know it’s supposed to be a “bit of fun”, but they just give me the shits. Just look at the first question:

You’re at a restaurant with your date. The food arrives, and you open the conversation by:

– asking him/her how the Pinot Grigio is working for them;
– wondering aloud if the music currently playing is a piece by Sibelius;
– commenting on the fine art and decor;
– finding out what book they’re currently reading;
– asking him/her if they’ve been to any foreign countries.

If I was even momentarily tempted to open a conversation with any one of these lines, I’d reckon it was high time someone called me a fucking wanker and either emptied a beer over my head or farted loudly in my general direction and walked away to spend the evening with someone who wasn’t so far up themselves they were in danger of choking. Fortunately my dates (and current partner) have far too much class and manners to do either of these things, but you know what I mean. I just don’t understand what amusement value there is in doing a quiz structured so that almost all the answers are unavoidably ones that could only be given by a prize mental masturbator. Why do I let such trivia irritate me like this, I ask myself? Can anyone recoomend some good anti-depressant medication? I need happy pills.

2025 years ago

I’m certainly not a techie elitist as the quiz site crashes my browser on my ancient computer…

Geoff Honnor
Geoff Honnor
2025 years ago

Yes. I did wonder whether anyone would ever nominate Adolphe Duglere (patron chef at the Emperors Dinner in 1867) as the dead person they’d most like to meet………………

2025 years ago

Hmmm. Sounds like IMS to me, Ken — no pill, but evidently keeping away from mint lollies & black licorice can help. Anyway, what’s the bet there’s a quiz you can do to find out for sure…;)

Ken Parish
Ken Parish
2025 years ago

IMS? Is that anything like PMT?

2025 years ago

And sometimes Quizzilla can get it so wrong. Me a food and wine conoissuer? I drink beer and would rather meet Magellan than Duglere. It would have been more accurate if this quiz had a category for ignorant uncultured sloths.