I ducked over to The Spin Starts Here just now to see if Caz and the crew had blogged a satisfyingly vicious coverage of the Logie awards. But disappointingly, they’ve fallen down on the job and spared the TV Week extravaganza, Rove’s “F” word and all.
Nevertheless, apparently Caz has drawn the unwelcome attentions of another unnamed ozplogger:
Over the weekend we seem to have annoyed another Australian blogger who has sent me two emails telling me how to run this site. I will not divulge his name or the name of his site at this stage, but needless to say I was pretty riled up by his audacity to write in and tell me what to do. …
I talk to my friends on the telephone. You might do that too. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to like what I have to say when I do it. This isn’t any different. So why should we pretend that blogging is some sort of elite brotherhood? It’s not. There’s 200 million of the fucking things out there. …
Some bloggers do blog for one another, and hey, that’s their thing. They write about each other often, and we do not. That’s our thing. Although not everyone is happy that we don’t constantly do a link-fest and shout-out to other bloggers and blow smoke up their arses every other day. Boo fucking hoo. …
Actually, Caz was remarkably gentle on her anonymous blogging email correspondent. Makes me wonder … Who was the goose who preached restraint and camaraderie to Caz? It may be the ultimate oxymoron. Anyone care to make a guess?
PS – Mark Bahnisch’s photoshopped cat by popular demand.
C’mon Ken – a fox smells his own smell first.
Even if I was quite that stupid, I’m an inveterate coward.
I’m still chuckling over the mystery attack blogger’s remark that
“Shelly is an entertainment reviewer turned journalist…”
“I’m not a stripper, I’m a ecdysiast! So there!”
Sure as hell wasn’t me- I had enough yahoos trying to tell me what the fuck I can post and link to have the time to be going all supervisory on anyone else. I trust the miscreant in question has extensive testicular insurance.
Not Mark, surely…..?
I thought Mark got his pop-culture blogging from Ausculture?
You have to be truly insensitive to try and “advise” the Spin. After all. the whole point of the thing is that you get the viper not the bosom.
You’re all wrong. It was Andrew Bartlett!
Actually it wasn’t. I’d have named and shamed him for sure.
But what if Andrew Bartlett was using a false name to throw you off?
Rob, no, not me.
You all jumped on my bandwagon, anyway, and my horse is feeling the pinch. GET OFF!
EvilPundit, I suggest you cease and disist now before I publish all those emails where you berated me for not having enough photoshopped cats on my site.
*guilty silence*
There can never be enough cats on a blog. Oops!
Star moles are better.
Is that really your cat Mark? I got an Orange Cat too!
Sadly, Francis, living in a second floor apartment doesn’t give me much scope to have a cat.
I think what Ken has posted is a portrait of EP.
Nope – too good looking, well groomed and bright(ish) for EP.
I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say it was Darp.
Definitely Niall.
I confess. It was me!