Do yourself a favour and read this superb post by guest contributor Kate at Mark Bahnisch’s Larvatus Rodeo (can’t help calling it that – I blame Nabakov).
My sister Lynne has an intellectually handicapped daughter in her mid-twenties. She and her husband Ray have been through all the same experiences Kate eloquently portrays, and now also face the dilemma of how to provide for Lee as they near retirement age. Lynne is a prickly individual at the best of times, and she and I have a distinctly changeable relationship, but I often think about her, mentally put myself in her shoes and think how deeply worrying it must be to have a deeply loved child/adult daughter who will never be able to care for herself without fairly intensive support. It might be why she chain-smokes and argues frequently with the rest of the family. Mind you, she chain-smoked and argued with the rest of the family long before Lee was born, so let’s not get too carried away with maudlin sentiment.
It’s a very good post indeed, I agree, Ken.
Just popping in to point out that I believe that Nabs’ nickname for LP is “Larva Rodeo”.
Also, are the first two comments above sposed to be on one of the NT election threads?
I always think of it as a Latin Country Singer Larvatus P Rodeo.
ken – I dunno how to put this but er, um, ever thought your sister might be like that because she has to put up with her family of origin , er, not you or anthing, but….
I always think of it as a Latin Country Singer Larvatus P Rodeo.
ken – I dunno how to put this but er, um, ever thought your sister might be like that because she has to put up with her family of origin , er, not you or anything, but….
larvatus rodeo tickles me EVERY time.
larva rodeo just doesn’t have the same ring. Larvatus rodeo is hilarious, I say it and laugh. Fuck’n larvatus ROdeo.
Also, FX I’ll have you know Parry is very nice to his family – and always has been as far as I can tell. Although they are a very polite lot. Restraint is their big suit, but you know? I think they are genuinely warming to me.
On the topic now. People who care for others with chronic illness(when it would bore me out of my mind so that I would send them away before I did something unimaginable) are good. Simply good. I’m almost certain that in that situation I would not be good. I would be a guilty or a bitter creature and thankyou god for not making me do it.
I like the Latin Country singer theme.
Um, Jen, ever noticed “Troppo Armadillo” sounds a bit odd, too? Try saying it out loud?
Yeah, but Mark I’m over that now. Larvatus Rodeo is new!
Same number of syllables, Jen. Not sure why I think that’s worth mentioning!
I keep thinking larvatus proddyo.