Uncategorized The South African National Anthem Nicholas Gruen October 3, 2005 This is a picture of Enoch Mankayi Sontonga who, though he only lived 32 years, somehow managed to bottle over a century of suffering into...
Economics and public policy Regulation – again! Nicholas Gruen October 3, 2005 I don't know why regulation and its failures annoy me so much. It's not healthy - because there's a lot of bad regulation about and...
Uncategorized Behold the tumbling Hyperion Nicholas Gruen October 3, 2005 Hyperion, the strange tumbling moon of Saturn has been photographed by Cassini. Remarkable non? I read about Hyperion when I was doing some reading on...
Films and TV Little Fish – go see it Nicholas Gruen October 3, 2005 Having bagged Australia's latest efforts with film - or more specifically said that the New Zealanders were leaving us in the shade, I'm pleased to...
Uncategorized Getting ripped off – and how regulation can help bring it about Nicholas Gruen October 3, 2005 The Age carried stories on the weekend of the collapse of a company called "Money for living". It preyed on elderly people who were asset...