My Adam Smith posts haven’t exactly laid them in the isles – at least judging by the number of comments they’ve generated. But perhaps some people have enjoyed them. I enjoyed writing them.
In any event part of their purpose was to collect my thoughts in preparation for an interview with Michael Duffy on Counterpoint. The other part of their purpose was to edit into an essay to publish – any ideas as to who might want to publish such a thing?
I don’t normally post links to the odd Radio National interview I do, not least because they’re no great shakes. But I put a fair bit of preparation into this one and was very happy with the result. If you want to check it out it’s here – at least for the next four weeks or so.
For any geek readers of this blog, since the ABC have still to podcast this show, can anyone convert the streaming media from the abc site into an mp3 file. John Quiggin’s blog had links to some programs that would do this a while back, but, though I tried, it proved beyond my limited powers. If anyone can convert it and post it somewhere I can download it, I’d be very grateful. And if there is any program that will do this easily, please let me know.
Btw, I’ve just put “audio streaming” and “streaming” into JQ’s blog’s search and it doesn’t come up. I reckon the search facility is buggered, but maybe I’ve put in the wrong search term. Sorry
Postscript. Cam Riley has risen to my challenge and sent me an MP3 file of the interview. I am deeply grateful to him, and you can download it by clicking here. It’s a 6 meg zip file, which then expands to 15 megs. NG 15 Oct 05
I haven’t tried these my self
oops not free.
I think iTunes will convert and there is a windows version.
You need to write a letter to ABC about using closed formats with public monies. Or get that old pinko lefty Duffy to talk about FOSS.
IIRC, the ABC deliberately chooses formats to make this difficult for copyright reasons. The relevant post is
You think you have troubles? I have a mac and with the same critera searched and searched, “audio streaming capture”
Some days search engines act dumb. I finaly found “Audio Hijack Pro” I wanted to listen to abc’s interviews on Margret Throsby morning show “out of hours”.
It’s an hour long, abc in it’s wisdom cuts the interview after 1/2 hour, perhaps to make you buy their tapes?
Adam Smith is long-winded and technical. I’ve given most of them a cursory glance. I enjoy reading about Smith when I have the time.
Adam Smith is technical?
yes I find that strange.
Perhaps she is needling you about Smith?
Yes, and so is chess.
I thought your Adam Smith posts were excellent. Thanks for writing them.